NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Start Developing
  • Core Payments
  • Food & Beverage
  • API Specification
  • Value Added Applications
  • Appendix
  • Document Version
  • Introduction

    The TCP/IP interface allows a point of sale (POS) to connect to the Linkly system via a TCP/IP interface socket.

    The interface works on the following basis:

    Start Developing

    Initial Setup

    Install required software

    Enable Listen Socket in Client

    IP Address Allowed List


    Linkly supports C# and Java SDK's which wrap the TCP/IP interface.

    Example Flow Request

    Core Payments


    The Core Payments API offers a simple entry point for POS developers to send card payment transactions to Linkly supported PIN pads.

    Minimum Requirements

    Below are the minimum requirements for a POS system to be considered for accreditation with the Linkly Core Payments API

    Transaction Types

    Management of merchant/bank functions

    Transactional Scenarios

    Error Handling


    The purchase transaction type allows the merchant to perform a sale, it uses the transaction request format.

    All refunds in the Core Payments API need to be matched to an original purchase. The POS will achieve this by storing the contents of the 'RFN' PAD tag returned in the purchase response and, if a refund for this purchase is required, sending the contents of this field in the refund request.

    The 'REF' tag represents the transaction reference from the payment host. It will be printed on the receipt. The POS should record the 'REF' tag against the sale in the POS database to allow a transaction to be looked up from the receipt contents.


    Field Description
    Command 'M'
    App Set to '00'
    Merchant Set to '00'. Instructs the Linkly components to perform a card payment
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a purchase request
    AmtPurchase Amount of sale in cents
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD, NZD). Default AUD
    TxnRef Unique POS reference number
    CutReceipt Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt
    ReceiptAutoPrint Indicates where to print the receipt
    PurchaseAnalysisData Extended fields. See PurchaseAnalysisData requirements below.


    Tag Name Type Notes Example
    SKU Basket ID string(16) See Basket API spec SKU006005520
    OPR OperatorReference string(128) POS operator name and id. Format: ID|Name OPR00766|test
    AMT TotalAmount string(9) Total amount of the entire sale in cents, not tender amount AMT00520000 $200.00 total sale
    UID Globally unique value UUID v4 UUID v4 used to uniquely identify this sale across all registers UID0367f619126-5fa7-4351-8585-1d4f813019d2
    NME POS Name string(64) Name of POS. This should match accreditation POS name NME007TestPOS
    VER POS Version string(64) Version of the POS. This should match accreditation VER0041.00
    VND POS Vendor ID UUID v4 A unique UUID v4 which identifies the POS POS product. This value can be hard coded into the build of the POS. e.g. All merchants using the same POS product should supply the same posVendorId value VND036907b3267-c37d-49c1-a8a2-429f937748c6
    PCM POSCapabilitiesMatrix string(32) POS Capabilities Matrix. First byte = POS can scan Barcode PCM00400000


    The purchase response is in the format of the transaction response object, see the Transaction section for a detailed breakdown. The below tags are part of the PurchaseAnalysisData object in the response and are of critical importance to the core payments transactions.

    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful, '0' if transaction failed
    Response Code 2 character response code
    Response Text Short response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved purchase amount
    TxnRef Echoed from request
    CurrencyCode Code to indicate the currency the sale was processed using. Default is AUD
    TxnType Echoed from request
    CardName This returns the Card Bin number, which identifies the payment processor
    PurchaseAnalysisData Extended fields. See PurchaseAnalysisData requirements below.


    Tag Name Type Notes Example
    RFN Reference Number string(128) Transaction Reference Number to be used in a refund, can contain additional information RFN017klujhadsc9ph87asd
    REF Host reference Number string(32) Reference number to the sale from the provider systems, printed on receipt REF00512345
    HRC Host Response Code string(64) Response code from the payment processor HRC004ERR1
    HRT Host Response Text string(999) Response text from the payment processor HRT013INVALID CARD
    UID Globally unique value UUID v4 Echoed from request UID0367f619126-5fa7-4351-8585-1d4f813019d2


    A refund transaction type allows the merchant to undo a sale, it uses the transaction request format. The POS must ensure that the correct 'RFN' Tag is sent when performing a refund.


    Field Description
    Command 'M'
    App Set to '00'
    Merchant Set to '00' to indicate a generic 'pay later' request
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund request
    AmtPurchase Amount to refund via selected provider
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD, NZD). Default AUD
    TxnRef Unique POS reference number
    CutReceipt Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt
    ReceiptAutoPrint Indicates where to print the receipt
    PurchaseAnalysisData Extended fields. See PurchaseAnalysisData requirements below.


    Tag Name Type Notes Example
    RFN Reference Number string(128) Refund reference code as returned by original purchase RFN017klujhadsc9ph87asd
    OPR OperatorReference string(128) POS operator name and id. Format: ID|Name OPR00766|test
    UID Globally unique value UUID v4 UUID v4 used to uniquely identify this sale across all registers UID0367f619126-5fa7-4351-8585-1d4f813019d2
    NME POS Name string(64) Name of POS. This should match accreditation POS name NME007TestPOS
    VER POS Version string(64) Version of the POS. This should match accreditation VER0041.00
    VND POS Vendor ID UUID v4 A unique UUID v4 which identifies the POS POS product. This value can be hard coded into the build of the POS. e.g. All merchants using the same POS product should supply the same posVendorId value VND036907b3267-c37d-49c1-a8a2-429f937748c6
    PCM POSCapabilitiesMatrix string(32) POS Capabilities Matrix. First byte = POS can scan Barcode PCM00400000


    The refund response is in the format of the transaction response object, see the Transaction section for a detailed breakdown. The below tags are part of the PurchaseAnalysisData object in the response and are of critical importance to the core payments transactions.

    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful, '0' if transaction failed
    Response Code 2 character response code
    Response Text Short response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved refund amount
    TxnRef Echoed from request
    CurrencyCode Code to indicate the currency the sale was processed using. Default is AUD
    TxnType Echoed from request
    CardName This returns the Card Bin number, which identifies the payment processor
    PurchaseAnalysisData Extended fields. See PurchaseAnalysisData requirements below.


    Tag Name Type Notes Example
    REF Host reference Number string(128) Reference number to the sale from the provider systems, printed on receipt REF00512345
    HRC Host Response Code string(64) Response code from the payment processor HRC004ERR1
    HRT Host Response Text string(999) Response text from the payment processor HRT013INVALID CARD
    UID Globally unique value UUID v4 Echoed from request UID0367f619126-5fa7-4351-8585-1d4f813019d2

    Management Functions

    The management functions allow the merchant to perform utility functions in addition to sales. The minimum requirements for these are; reprint receipt and Get Last Transaction.

    Reprint Receipt

    The reprint receipt function allows for the retrieval/reprint of a financial receipt. It uses the reprint request format.

    The 'Merchant' field must be set to a unique 2-character code to specify the sale processor, this is returned in the purchase/refund response.

    Reprint Receipt Request

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    SubCode 1 Indicates to reprint or retrieve (sent to POS) '1' = reprint receipt '2' = get last receipt
    Merchant 2 Unique ID of third-party sale to fetch. Set to '00' to indicate generic reprint '00' = Last receipt
    CutReceipt 1 Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt '1' = Cut '0' = Don't Cut
    ReceiptAutoPrint 1 Indicates where to print the receipt '0' = POS printing, '1' = Windows Printer, '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer

    Reprint Receipt Response

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    Success 1 Indicates if the function was successful '1' = Success '0' = Failed
    Response Code 2 Response code indicating sale status '00' = Approved 'X0' = No response
    Response Text 20 Response message associated with the response code 'TRANSACTION APPROVED'
    Receipt Length = len(msg) - 30 The Actual Receipt Data

    Get Last Transaction

    This function returns the last transaction event processed by Linkly. It uses the get last txn format. This function can be called by a POS to determine whether a transaction was successful or not following a power failure whilst an EFTPOS transaction was in progress, this is part of the error handling scenarios.

    Get Last Transaction Request

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    Merchant 2 Must be '00' for the Core Payments API '00'

    Get Last Transaction Response

    The POS will receive a standard GetLastTxn Response

    Tag Name Length (characters) Description
    Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    CommandCode 1 'N' = Get Last Transaction
    Sub Code 1 '0'
    Success 1 '0' = Failed '1' = Success
    LastTxnSuccess 1 '0' = Failed '1' = Success
    Response Code 2 Response code from the bank
    Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    Merchant 2 Identifier for the payment processor
    TxnType 1 Type of transaction performed
    AccountType 7 Account Used in the transaction
    AmtCash 9 The amount of cash out for the transaction.
    AmtPurchase 9 The purchase amount for the transaction.
    AmtTip 9 Amount of tip given (if any).
    AuthCode 6 Authorisation Code
    TxnRef 16 Contains the cheque serial number if the Get Last request is directed at Cheque Auth
    Stan 6 The Systems Trace Audit Number of the last transaction performed. (000000-999999).
    Caid 15 Card Acceptor ID, also known as the MID
    Catid 8 Card Acceptor Terminal ID.
    DateExpiry 4 Set before calling Transaction if a customer's card details are manually entered by the operator.
    DateSettlement 4 Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format
    Date 6 Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format
    Time 6 Transaction time returned by the acquirer. 'HHMMSS' format.
    CardType 20 Indicates the card type used for the transaction as described by the bank.
    Pan 20 Primary Account Number. Loaded with the customer card number for manually entered transactions
    Track2 40 Contents of magnetic card track 2.
    RRN 12
    CardName 2 This property actually returns the Card Bin number.
    TxnFlags 8 Zero's - not used for alternative payments
    Balance received from host 1 '0' = false '1' = true
    AvailableBalance 9
    Cleared Funds Balance 9
    PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field. This field is optional and may not be present.
    PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data

    Transactional Scenarios

    Partial/Split Payments

    Partial and split payments must be handled by the POS, when sending a purchase request the POS must set the 'AMT' Tag with the total amount of the entire sale the 'AmtPurchase' field should be set to the actual tender amount, in most cases these fields will be equal. When receiving a response the POS will receive the 'AmtPurchase' field set to the amount the sale was processed for if the POS receives an amount less than what was sent in the response it must continue to make payments until the entire tender is payed for.

    Example 1

    Example 2

    Error Handling

    This section covers various error scenario where the POS must take specific actions in order to recover and re-sync with the Linkly client. The only mandatory scenarios are power fails and timeouts.

    In this scenario the POS has lost power but the eftpos terminal has continued with a sale. Upon recovery the POS must use the Get last transaction function to ensure that; any sale performed while the POS was off is correctly recorded, match the POS' last known sale to Linkly ensure they are correct.


    All POS timeout values should be set at 180 seconds from the last message received from Linkly, this ensures that the POS receives a 'timeout' response from Linkly instead of dropping the reply and not finishing the sale correctly.

    A timeout value of 180 seconds ensures Linkly has enough time to perform long operations requiring user input (such as scanning a QR code, confirming a sale on their phone) and meet any compliance the third party has regarding data capture.

    In this scenario the POS has lost connectivity to the EFT-Client. Similar to a power fail upon restoring connectivity the POS must call Get Last Transaction to ensure that; any sale performed while the POS was off is correctly recorded, match the POS' last known sale to Linkly' ensure they are correct.

    Optional Functionality

    Custom Displays

    The POS can hide the default Linkly dialog and implement it's own custom displays.

    To do this the POS needs to capture the Display Request event and implement the following dialogs:

    Input types:

    Example displays

    No keys enabled

    No keys enabled

    Cancel key enabled

    No keys enabled

    OK key enabled

    No keys enabled

    Accept/decline keys enabled

    No keys enabled

    Auth input enabled

    No keys enabled

    Linkly Basket

    The Linkly Basket is a API used for providing merchants value adds that contain informatation related to the items that made up the total value of the transaction. Many of the new payment types require some level of basket information to process their payments so Linkly has created a API to ensure that these can be met without bespoke effort for each payment type.

    The EFT-Client handles basket commands like a database, exposing a CRUD interface to the POS. Each basket has a unique identifier "id", that the POS can use to:

    When the POS calls transaction it needs to include the basket id for that transaction in the PAD tag named "SKU". The EFT-Client will then include the basket data as part of the transaction request, which is then passed to any appropriate third-party processors. It is anticipated that the POS will use the basket commands in one of two ways:

    1. Call Linkly as each item is scanned (adding / updating / removing items as necessary)
    2. Call the basket command once, with the full basket, before calling transaction

    Message Format

    Basket data uses the "Generic POS Command" message type.


    # Field Length Format Description
    1 Start flag 1 Alphanumeric Content header. Set to '#'
    2 Length 4 Numeric. Right aligned, zero padded. Set to the length of the message, including this header
    3 Command code 1 Alphanumeric Generic POS command type. Set to 'X'
    4 Sub code 1 Alphanumeric Basket data command type. Set to '%'
    5 Basket length 6 Numeric. Right aligned, zero padded. The length of the basket data command to follow.
    6 Content * Alphanumeric Basket data command


    # Field Length Format Description
    1 Start flag 1 Alphanumeric Content header. Set to '#'
    2 Length 4 Numeric. Right aligned, zero padded. Set to the length of the message, including this header
    3 Command code 1 Alphanumeric Generic POS command type. Set to 'X'
    4 Sub code 1 Alphanumeric Basket data command type. Set to '%'
    5 Response Code 2 Alphanumeric "00" indicates successful, all other response codes indicate a failure.
    6 Response Text 20 Alphanumeric Response text for the call

    Basket Command Header Fields

     "id": "t39kq18134553",
     "amt": 17890,
     "tax": 1790,
     "dis": 1000,
     "sur": 358,
     "items": [...]

    The basket header contains meta information about the basket,
    along with the id for the basket which is needed when sending a transaction with basket data, or when changing the basket.

    Name Required Description Format
    id Y A unique ID for the basket String, max 32
    amt Y Total price for the basket, in cents, including tax and discount, but excluding surcharge Integer
    tax Total tax for the basket, in cents Integer
    dis Total discount for the basket, in cents Integer
    sur Surcharge (e.g. for Credit Card), in cents Integer
    items Y Array of basket items JSON array

    Basket Command Item Fields

    //Example Basket Item Data
        "id": "t39kq002",  
        "sku": "k24086723",  
        "qty": 2,  
        "amt": 2145,  
        "tax": 200,  
        "dis": 50,  
        "gtin": "831664397578",  
        "name": "XData USB Drive",  
        "desc": "24GB XData USB Drive, Red/Black",  
        "srl": "xd546467",  
        "img": "",  
        "link": "",  
        "tag": "usb drive,storage"  

    The basket items are required to have at least an id, sku, quantity, and price of the item included in the item data.
    Other fields can be used as desired by vendors.

    Name Required Description Format
    id Y A unique ID for the item String, max 32
    sku Y Merchant assigned SKU for the item String
    qty Y Quantity (number of units) Integer
    amt Y Individual unit price for the item, in cents, including tax and discount Integer
    tax Individual unit tax for the item, in cents Integer
    dis Individual unit discount for the item, in cents Integer
    ean The EAN (European Article Number) for the item String
    upc The UPC (Universal Product Code) for the item String
    gtin The GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) for the item String
    name A short name for the item String, max 24
    desc A longer description for the item String, max 255
    srl Serial code, or other identifying code, for the item String
    img URL to an image for the item String
    link URL to a product page for the item String
    tag Comma separated category or type information for the item (e.g. "food, confectionery") String, max 64

    Basket Command Extended Item Fields

        "id": "t39kq001",  
        "sku": "s63787452",  
        "qty": 1,  
        "amt": 1995,  
        "weight": "2kg"  

    In additional to the required and optional fields, an item may also include one or more extended fields for use by specific third parties. Extended fields are simply included along with the standard fields for the item.
    The example opposite includes "weight", with a value of "2kg", as an extended field.

    See the appropriate Linkly Third Party Processor (TPP) specification for a list of supported extended fields.

    Basket Command Full Example

    // Full Basket Example
        "id": "t39kq18134553",  
        "amt": 18700,  
        "tax": 1760,  
        "dis": 650,  
        "sur": 374,  
        "items": [{  
            "id": "t39kq002",  
            "sku": "k24086723",  
            "qty": 2,  
            "amt": 2145,  
            "tax": 200,  
            "dis": 50,  
            "name": "XData USB Drive"  
        }, {  
            "id": "t39kq003",  
            "sku": "s23475697",  
            "qty": 1,  
            "amt": 8910,  
            "tax": 810,  
            "name": "MSoft OSuite",  
            "srl": "ms7843k346j23"  
        }, {  
            "id": "t39kq004",  
            "sku": "m47060855",  
            "qty": 5,  
            "amt": 1100,  
            "tax": 110,  
            "dis": 110,  
            "name": "A4 Notepad"  

    The example opposite basket contains 3 items:
    2 XData USB Drives, at $21.45 each, which includes tax of $2.00 and a discount of $0.50
    1 MSoft OSuite, with a serial number, at $89.10, which includes tax of $8.10 and no discount
    5 A4 Notepads, at $11.00 each, which includes tax of $1.10 and a discount of $1.10
    The total value of the basket is $187.00, with a total tax of $17.60 and total discount of $6.50. Paying by credit card also incurred a surcharge of $3.74 (2%).

    Building a Basket Incrementally

    // Adding an Item Example
        "id": "t39kq18134553",  
        "amt": 22165,  
        "tax": 2075,  
        "dis": 650,  
        "items": [{  
            "id": t39kq005,  
            "sku": "t54043584",  
            "qty": 1,  
            "amt": 3465,  
            "tax": 315,  
            "name": "Ltech headset"  
    // Updating an Item Example
        "id": "t39kq18134553",  
        "amt": 24310,  
        "tax": 2275,  
        "dis": 700,  
        "items": [{  
            "id": "t39kq002",  
            "sku": "k24086723",  
            "qty": 3,  
            "amt": 2145,  
            "tax": 200,  
            "dis": 50,  
            "name": "XData USB Drive"  
    // Deleting an Item Example
        "id": "t39kq18134553",  
        "amt": 18810,  
        "tax": 1725,  
        "dis": 150,  
        "items": [{  
            "id": "t39kq004"  

    To create or build a basket incrementally (for example, as each item is scanned in),
    multiple requests can be sent using the same header "id" value, with updated total "amt", "tax", and "dis" values, and the "items" array,
    which contains the item to add, update or remove.

    Adding an Item

    To add an item to an existing basket, simply give the additional item a unique item "id" value, see: Basket Command Item Fields
    This will cause the item to be treated as unique, even if it has the same "sku", "ean", "gtin", etc. as another item.

    Updating an Item

    To update an existing item, pass the full item record, with updated values, using the same item "id" value as the existing item. This will cause all existing data for that item to be overwritten.
    Note: Only one item can be updated per request
    Note: The updated record needs to include all relevant fields and values for the item, even those that haven't changed.

    Deleting an Item

    To delete an item, simply pass an item record with only the "id" field and value for the item that you want to delete.
    Note: Only one item can be deleted per request


    The Linkly surcharging solution is driven by the Linkly components and the payment terminal, this removes any need for the POS application to perform any complex card inspection or store and managed surcharging rates. Merchants can us the Linkly EFT-Client GUI to set their desired surcharging rates.

    If a surcharge is applied:

    Merchants can enable and configure the surcharge rates from the "Surcharge" tab in the Linkly EFT-Client GUI.

    Surcharge Screen

    Food & Beverage

    Linkly has created a number of payment features that help merchants make the most of their payment solution, these help POS providers quickly add important features to their food and beverage solution.

    Pay at Table

    The Linkly Pay at Table solution groups a number of payment features together to deliver the capability to process payment transactions at a table, the capabilities include:

    As the Pay at Table flow creates an alternate transaction flow (commenced from the terminal), there are dedicated Linkly features to enable.


    The Pay at Table API provides a common interface for the terminal to utilise the EFT-Client to retrieve available tables and orders so payment functions (e.g. tender, customer receipt etc.) can be performed by an operator on the terminal without using the POS.

    The Pay at Table client requires the POS to act a data source so that it can retrieve information about available tables, orders, payment options etc.

    The Pay at Table client supports two data source options for the POS; a REST server or directly through the existing Linkly interface.

    POS Data Source - REST Server

    When in REST server mode the Pay at Table extension will connect directly to a REST server hosted by the POS which implements the Linkly Pay at Table REST API.


    Example Transaction Flow

    1. The user initiates a Pay at Table transaction from the terminal
    2. The Linkly Pay at Table client requests the settings from the server
    3. The Linkly Pay at Table client requests a list of tables from the server
    4. Tables are presented to the user, either as a list using the DisplayName property of a Table or by allowing the user to manually key a DisplayNumber.
    5. Once the user selects a table, the Pay at Table client requests orders available on that table.
    6. If no orders are available, the Pay at Table client presents a display to the user and allows them to select another table.
    7. If orders are available the Pay at Table client presents available options for that order (e.g. print receipt, tender). If multiple orders are available, the Pay at Table client displays all available orders and asks the user to select which order to process.
    8. If the user selects the "Print Receipt" option, the Pay at Table client will request the customer receipt from the server, print it and display the order options again. If multiple print options are available from the settings, the user is asked to select which mode to print before the request is sent to the server.
    9. If the user selects the "Tender" option, the Pay at Table client starts a payment on the terminal. If multiple tender options are available from the settings, the Pay at Table client displays these options and asks the user to select the tender type before proceeding with the payment.
    10. The transaction request, display events and transaction event are sent to the server as EFTPOS commands
    11. Once the payment is complete, the Pay at Table client updates the tender with a completed state. It is assumed at this point the POS server would also update the order state.
    12. The Pay at Table client request the selected order again. If the order is complete a message is displayed on the terminal, otherwise the user is presented with the order options again.

    Pat std sd

    POS Data Source - Linkly Interface

    Linkly recommend the POS implements REST server mode. If the REST server mode doesn't suit your integration needs, please contact Linkly to discuss alternatives.

    The POS must manage the order/tender states in case of disconnection from the Pay at Table client or the terminal. If the POS loses connection from the service at any time while a tender/order is being processed, it's recommended to inquire of the last transaction's status using the GetLastTransaction call to the EFT-Client.

    Start Developing

    Install required software

    REST Demo Application

    To configure the REST Demo Application

    1. Download the REST demo source from GitHub
    2. Run Visual Studio 2019 as Administrator
    3. Open and build the project "PayAtTable.ServerCore" in Visual Studio
    4. Open the Project Properties, and under Debug, take note of the App URL
    5. When you run the Linkly Pay at Table installer, enable the REST API option and enter the App URL as the server address
    6. Run the project using IIS Express. The browser should open showing the Settings launch page. When you click on Swagger, it will show the available APIs.

    Pat rest setup

    Local Linkly API Demo Application

    To configure the Local Linkly API Demo Application

    1. When you run the Linkly Pay at Table installer. Disable the REST API option. The server address can be left blank.
    2. Run C:\PC_EFT\DevTools\PayAtTable.TestPos\PayAtTable.TestPos.exe
    3. Source for the test POS is available on GitHub
    4. Tender Options (TenderTypes) can be configured for the demo POS in %localappdata%\Linkly\PAT-settings.json. Please refer to the POS specs for description of each field.

    Pat local setup

    Start a Pay at Table Sale

    1. Configure REST or ActiveX demo application
    2. On the Virtual PINpad, press FUNC + 8787 + OK
    3. Follow PINpad prompts

    Pay at Table REST API

    Linkly has created a lightweight solution for driving Pay at Table transactions which the POS needs to implement so the transactions can be commenced from the terminal.

    HTTP Response codes

    HTTP Response code Description
    200 OK The request was successful
    201 Created The request was successful, and a resource has been created
    204 No Content The request was successful, there is no content in the response
    400 Bad Request The client request is invalid
    401 Unauthorised The client needs to authenticate before it can continue
    403 Forbidden The client doesn't have access to the resource
    404 Not found The requested resource wasn't found
    500 Server Error The server encountered an internal error processing the request


    Name HTTP Method Description
    Get Settings GET /api/settings Get settings for the Pay at Table client
    Get Tables GET /api/tables Get a lookup list of tables used to find an order
    Get Orders By Table GET /api/tables/{table-id}/orders Get a list of orders associated with a table
    Get Order GET /api/orders/{order-id} Get an order based on an order id.
    Get Customer Receipt From Order GET /api/orders/{order-id}/receipt?receiptOptionId=[string] Get a customer receipt for a given order. Can accept an optional receipt option id.
    Update Order PUT /api/orders/{order-id} Update an order
    Create Tender POST /api/tenders Create a tender
    Update Tender PUT /api/tenders/{tender-id} Update a tender
    Create EFTPOS Command POST /api/eftpos/commands Create an EFTPOS command

    Get Settings

    GET /api/settings 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Settings": { 
            "TenderOptions": [{ 
                "Id": "0", 
                "TenderType": 0, 
                "Merchant": "0", 
                "DisplayName": "EFTPOS", 
                "EnableSplitTender": false, 
                "EnableTipping": true, 
                "CsdReservedString2": "EFTPOS", 
                "TxnType": "P", 
                "PurchaseAnalysisData": "" 
            "ReceiptOptions": [{ 
                "Id": "0", 
                "ReceiptType": 0, 
                "DisplayName": "Customer" 
            "PrinterOption": { 
                "PrintMode": 0, 
                "Location": -1, 
                "StaticReceipt": ["line1", "line2", "line3", "line4"] 


    Get the settings for the pay at table client


    Do not supply a request body for this method.


    If successful, the body contains a PATResponse object with the Settings property populated a Settings object.

    Supported response codes: 200, 400, 401, 403 and 500.


    Name Type Description
    TenderOptions TenderOption[] Lists the tender options available to the Pay at Table client. If left null or empty the option to tender will not be available on Pay at Table client when the user selects an order. If only one option is available, the Pay at Table client will automatically select that option when the user chooses to tender.
    ReceiptOptions ReceiptOption[] Lists the tender options available to the Pay at Table client. If left null or empty the option to print will not be available on Pay at Table client when the user selects an order. If only one option is available, the Pay at Table client will automatically select that option when the user chooses an order.
    PrinterOption PrinterOption Allows for custom receipt information, appended to the header/footer of the eftpos receipt, if left null no custom receipt will be printed. You can allow Linkly to print a custom header/footer with some information about the current Transaction

    TenderOption Properties

    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier.
    TenderType int The type of this tender option
    Merchant int The merchant code to use (see Appendix A - Merchant Codes). Default is 0.
    DisplayName String The text displayed in the terminal.
    EnableSplitTender Boolean If true, the split-billing workflow is enabled.
    EnableTipping Boolean If true, the tipping workflow is enabled.
    CsdReservedString2 String A Reserved String for additional functionality (see CsdReservedString2). Default is EFTPOS.
    TxnType String The type of transaction this tender applies to. Only Purchase and Refund types are allowed.
    PurchaseAnalysisData String any additional PAD value

    ReceiptOption Properties

    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier.
    ReceiptType int The type of receipt for this tender option. Only 0 is supported for now.
    DisplayName String The text displayed in the terminal.

    PrinterOption Properties

    Name Type Description
    PrintMode int Determines who will handle the header/footer receipt printing, default PCEFTPOS: PCEFTPOS = 0, POS = 1, STATIC = 2.
    Location int Determines where the custom receipt will print as a header prior to eftpos receipt or after as a footer, default is None: Header = 0, Footer = 1, None = -1.
    StaticReceipt String[] The receipt to display if you set PrintMode to STATIC.

    Get Tables

    GET /api/tables 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Tables": [{ 
                "Id": "50", 
                "DisplayName": "TABLE 1", 
                "DisplayNumber": 1, 
                "ServerName": "Steve" 
                "Id": "51", 
                "DisplayName": "TABLE 2", 
                "DisplayNumber": 2, 
                "ServerName": "Steve" 
                "Id": "52", 
                "DisplayName": "TABLE 3", 
                "DisplayNumber": 3, 
                "ServerName": "Jake" 


    Get a lookup list of tables used to find an order. The Pay at Table client will either present a list of selectable items to the user using the "DisplayName" property, or request the user enter a number which will be used to find a table based on the "DisplayNumber" property. The Id property is a unique identifier for the table used in subsequent requests and is not presented to the user.


    Do not supply a request body for this method.


    If successful, the body contains a PATResponse object with the Tables property populated by an array of Table.

    Supported response codes: 200, 400, 401, 403 and 500.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier.
    DisplayName String Max 14 characters. A name which represents this table that could be displayed to a user.
    DisplayNumber Integer A number which represents this table that could be displayed to a user.
    ServerName String Max 8 characters. A string that represents either the servers name or employee ID.

    Get Orders by Table

    GET /api/tables/{table-id}/orders 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Orders": [{ 
            "Id": "101", 
            "DisplayName": "Elsa", 
            "OrderState": 0, 
            "AmountOwing": 100.00, 
            "TableId": "50" 


    Get a list of orders associated with a table.

    The Pay at Table client will send this request after a user has selected one of the tables returned from a previous call to Get Tables.


    GET /api/tables/{table-id}/orders

    Do not supply a request body for this method

    Parameter Type Description
    table-id String Required. The id of an table orders are being requested from.


    If successful, the body contains a PATResponse object with the Orders property populated by an array of Order.

    Supported response codes: 200, 400, 401, 403 and 500.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    DisplayName String Max 14 characters. A name which represents this table that could be displayed to a user.
    OrderState Integer The state of the order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine if an order is available for tender. Possible values: (0) Pending – The order exists, but isn't yet available for tender. (10) Active – The order exists and is available for tender. (20) Tendering – A tender is currently in progress. The result is not known. The order is not available for tender. (30) Complete – The order is complete and is not available for tender.
    AmountOwing Decimal The outstanding amount on this order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine the maximum tender amount.
    TableId String The id of the Table attached to this order.

    Get Order

    GET /api/orders/{order-id} 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Order": { 
            "Id": "101", 
            "DisplayName": "Elsa", 
            "OrderState": 0, 
            "AmountOwing": 100.00, 
            "TableId": "50" 


    Get an order based on an order id. 

    The Pay at Table client will send this request after a user has selected one of the orders returned from a previous call to Get Orders by Table.


    Do not supply a request body for this method.

    Parameter Type Description
    order-id String Required. The id of the order being requested.


    If successful, the body contains a PATResponse object with the Order property populated by an Order.

    Supported response codes: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404 and 500.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    DisplayName String Max 14 characters. A name which represents this table that could be displayed to a user.
    OrderState Integer The state of the order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine if an order is available for tender. Possible values: (0) Pending – The order exists, but isn't yet available for tender. (10) Active – The order exists and is available for tender. (20) Tendering – A tender is currently in progress. The result is not known. The order is not available for tender. (30) Complete – The order is complete and is not available for tender.
    AmountOwing Decimal The outstanding amount on this order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine the maximum tender amount.
    TableId String The id of the Table attached to this order.

    Get Customer Receipt from Order

    GET /api/orders/{order-id}/receipt?receiptOptionId=[string]
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
        "Receipt": { 
            "Lines": ["Line 1","Line 2","Line 3"] 


    Get a customer receipt based on an order id. 


    Do not supply a request body for this method

    Parameter Type Description
    order-id String Required. The id of the order the receipt is being requested from.
    receiptOptionId String Optional. The id of the ReceiptOption used to generate this receipt request. Note: id '99' is reserved for custom header/footer receipt from POS


    If successful, the body contains a PATResponse object with the Receipt property populated by a Receipt.

    Supported response codes: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404 and 500.

    Update Order

    PUT /api/orders/{order-id} 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Order": { 
            "Id": "200",
            "DisplayName": "Order 99",
            "OrderState": 30,
            "AmountOwing": 0.00,
            "TableId": "50"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Order": { 
            "Id": "200",
            "DisplayName": "Order 99",
            "OrderState": 30,
            "AmountOwing": 0.00,
            "TableId": "50"


    Updates an order. This is called before the Create Tender to mark the order as Tendering. If the update is successful, the Create Tender is called next. It is called again after a payment has been processed to mark the status of the order. The AmountOwing and OrderState will be updated according to the result of the payment. For example, if the payment was fully paid, the order will be updated as Completed and the AmountOwing is set as zero. If the payment is partial, it will be set again to Active and the AmountOwing will reflect the remaining balance. If the payment was canceled, the status will be set to Active and the AmountOwing will remain the same.

    The Id property must point to a valid order and match the {order-id} in the request URL.


    The request body contains a PATRequest with the Tender property populated by a Tender.

    Parameter Type Description
    order-id String Required. The id of the order being updated.


    If successful, this method returns a PATResponse object with the Order property populated by a Order. In most cases the Order in the response will mirror the request.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    DisplayName String Max 14 characters. A name which represents this order that could be displayed to a user.
    OrderState Integer The state of the order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine if an order is available for tender. Possible values: (0) Pending – The order exists, but isn't yet available for tender. (10) Active – The order exists and is available for tender. (20) Tendering – A tender is currently in progress. The result is not known. The order is not available for tender. (30) Complete – The order is complete and is not available for tender.
    AmountOwing Decimal The outstanding amount on this order. This is used by the Pay at Table client to determine the maximum tender amount.
    TableId String The id of the Table attached to this order.

    Create Tender

    POST /api/tenders 
        "Tender": { 
            "Id" : null, 
            "OrderId": "101", 
            "TenderOptionId": "0", 
            "TenderState": 0, 
            "AmountPurchase": 100.00, 
            "OriginalAmountPurchase ": 100.00 
    HTTP/1.1 201 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Tender": { 
            "Id": "1042", 
            "OrderId": "101", 
            "TenderOptionId": "0", 
            "TenderState": 0, 
            "AmountPurchase": 100.00, 
            "OriginalAmountPurchase": 100.00 


    Creates a tender. A tender is an object which contains information about a payment.


    The request body contains a PATRequest with the Tender property populated by a Tender.

    The OrderId property must reference a valid order.

    The TenderOptionId property references the tender option selected by the user.


    If successful, the body will contain a PATResponse object with the Tender property populated by a Tender. The Tender in the response will have the Id property populated by a unique Id.

    Supported response codes: 201, 400, 401, 403, 404 and 500.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    TenderOptionId String The id of the tender option the operator selected to create this tender
    TenderState Integer The state of a tender is defined by the TenderState property. The initial state is set to Pending (0). When the payment is complete the Tender object will be updated and the TenderState changed to CompletedSuccessful (1) or CompletedUnsuccessful (2).
    AmountPurchase Decimal The amount of this tender (see notes)
    Original AmountPurchase Decimal If the tender amount is changed (e.g. A $100 purchase on a gift card is completed for the remaining amount on the card - $80.50) this value will reflect the original tender amount before it was changed.
    OrderId String The id of the order this tender is attached to.

    Update Tender

    PUT /api/tenders/{tender-id} 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Tender": { 
            "Id": "1042", 
            "TenderOptionId": "0", 
            "OrderId": "101", 
            "TenderState": 2, 
            "AmountPurchase": 80.50, 
            "OriginalAmountPurchase": 100.00 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "Tender": { 
            "Id": "1042", 
            "TenderOptionId": "0", 
            "OrderId": "101", 
            "TenderState": 2, 
            "AmountPurchase": 80.50, 
            "OriginalAmountPurchase": 100.00 


    Updates a tender. It is possible that the AmountPurchase in an updated tender will not be the same as the AmountPurchase in the original tender. E.g. A $100 purchase on a giftcard is completed for the remaining amount on the card ($80.50).

    The Id property must point to a valid tender and match the {tender-id} in the request URL. The OrderID property must point to a valid order.


    The request body contains a PATRequest with the Tender property populated by a Tender.

    Parameter Type Description
    tender-id String Required. The id of the tender being updated.


    If successful, this method returns a PATResponse object with the Tender property populated by a Tender. In most cases the Tender in the response will mirror the request.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    TenderOptionId String The id of the tender option the operator selected to create this tender
    TenderState Integer The state of a tender is defined by the TenderState property. The initial state is set to Pending (0). When the payment is complete the Tender object will be updated and the TenderState changed to CompletedSuccessful (1) or CompletedUnsuccessful (2).
    AmountPurchase Decimal The amount of this tender (see notes)
    Original AmountPurchase Decimal If the tender amount is changed (e.g. A $100 purchase on a gift card is completed for the remaining amount on the card - $80.50) this value will reflect the original tender amount before it was changed.
    OrderId String The id of the order this tender is attached to.

    Create EFTPOS Command

    POST /api/eftpos/commands 
        "EFTPOSCommand": { 
            "TenderId": "0",  
            "OriginalEFTPOSCommandId": "0",  
            "EFTPOSCommandType": 0,  
            "EFTPOSCommandState": 20 
            "AccountType": "", 
            "AmtCash": 0.0, 
            "AmtPurchase": 100.0, 
            "AmtTip": 0.0, 
            "AmtTotal": 0.0, 
            "Application": "", 
            "AuthCode": "", 
            "Caid": "", 
            "Catid": "", 
            "CardName": "", 
            "CardType": "", 
            "CsdReservedString1": "", 
            "CsdReservedString2": "", 
            "CsdReservedString3": "", 
            "CsdReservedString4": "", 
            "CsdReservedString5": "", 
            "CsdReservedBool1": false, 
            "CutReceipt": false, 
            "CurrencyCode": "", 
            "DataField": "", 
            "Date": "", 
            "DateExpiry": "", 
            "DateSettlement": "", 
            "DialogPosition": "", 
            "DialogTitle": "", 
            "DialogType": "", 
            "DialogX": 0, 
            "DialogY": 0, 
            "EnableTip": false, 
            "EnableTopmost": false, 
            "Merchant": "", 
            "MessageType": "", 
            "PanSource": " ", 
            "Pan": "", 
            "PosProductId": "", 
            "PurchaseAnalysisData": "", 
            "ReceiptAutoPrint": false, 
            "ResponseCode": "", 
            "ResponseText": "", 
            "Rrn": "", 
            "Success": false, 
            "Stan": "", 
            "Time": "", 
            "TxnRef": "", 
            "TxnType": "", 
            "Track1": "", 
            "Track2": "" 
    POST /api/eftpos/commands 
          "DataField":"PROCESSING          PLEASE WAIT         ",
    POST /api/eftpos/commands 
          "Receipt":"------------------------\r\n *** TRAINING MODE ***  \r\n  TEST MERCHANT TITLE   \r\n   TEST MERCHANT NAME   \r\n         LINE2          \r\n                        \r\n15:18:09 04/11/20       \r\n                        \r\nCREDIT ACCOUNT          \r\n                        \r\nPURCHASE   AUD     $1.00\r\nSURCHARGE  AUD     $0.22\r\n                --------\r\nTOTAL      AUD     $1.22\r\n                        \r\nAPPROVED -  00          \r\n                        \r\nPLEASE RETAIN AS RECORD \r\n      OF PURCHASE       \r\n------------------------\r\n",
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
    Content-type: application/json 
        "EFTPOSCommand": { 
            "TenderId": "0",  
            "OriginalEFTPOSCommandId": "0",  
            "EFTPOSCommandType": 0,  
            "EFTPOSCommandState": 20 
            "AccountType": "", 
            "AmtCash": 0.0, 
            "AmtPurchase": 100.0, 
            "AmtTip": 0.0, 
            "AmtTotal": 0.0, 
            "Application": "", 
            "AuthCode": "", 
            "Caid": "", 
            "Catid": "", 
            "CardName": "", 
            "CardType": "", 
            "CsdReservedString1": "", 
            "CsdReservedString2": "", 
            "CsdReservedString3": "", 
            "CsdReservedString4": "", 
            "CsdReservedString5": "", 
            "CsdReservedBool1": false, 
            "CutReceipt": false, 
            "CurrencyCode": "", 
            "DataField": "", 
            "Date": "", 
            "DateExpiry": "", 
            "DateSettlement": "", 
            "DialogPosition": "", 
            "DialogTitle": "", 
            "DialogType": "", 
            "DialogX": 0, 
            "DialogY": 0, 
            "EnableTip": false, 
            "EnableTopmost": false, 
            "Merchant": "", 
            "MessageType": "", 
            "PanSource": " ", 
            "Pan": "", 
            "PosProductId": "", 
            "PurchaseAnalysisData": "", 
            "ReceiptAutoPrint": false, 
            "ResponseCode": "", 
            "ResponseText": "", 
            "Rrn": "", 
            "Success": false, 
            "Stan": "", 
            "Time": "", 
            "TxnRef": "", 
            "TxnType": "", 
            "Track1": "", 
            "Track2": "" 


    Create an EFTPOS command. The fields defined will vary based on the EFTPOSCommandType as described in the Properties section below. EFTPOSCommandType are 200 for TransactionEvent, 400 for DisplayEvent, and 401 for PrintEvent.


    The request body contains a PATRequest with the EFTPOSCommand property populated by an EFTPOSCommand


    If successful, this method returns a PATResponse object with the EFTPOSCommand property populated by an EFTPOSCommand. In most cases the EFTPOSCommand in the response will mirror the request.


    Note: All message handling should be case-insensitive.


    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique identifier. Read only.
    TenderId String Id of the tender that this EFTPOS command is associated with
    OriginalEFTPOS CommandId String The id of the original EFTPOS request if this is an event.
    EFTPOSCommand Type Integer 200
    EFTPOSCommand State Integer AwaitingDeviceAck = 0, AwaitingDeviceResponse = 10, CompletedSuccessful = 20, CompletedUnsuccessful = 30
    AccountType String The account type used
    AmtCash Decimal The cash amount
    AmtPurchase Decimal The purchase amount
    AmtTip Decimal The tip amount
    AmtTotal Decimal The total amount
    Application String The card application used
    AuthCode String The transaction authorisation code
    Caid String The CAID of the terminal used
    Catid String The CATID of the terminal used
    CardName String N/A
    CardType String N/A
    CsdReservedString1 String N/A
    CsdReservedString2 String N/A
    CsdReservedString3 String N/A
    CsdReservedString4 String N/A
    CsdReservedString5 String N/A
    CsdReservedBool1 Boolean N/A
    CutReceipt Boolean N/A
    CurrencyCode String The transactions currency code
    DataField String
    Date String The date
    DateExpiry String N/A
    DateSettlement String The settlement date of the transaction
    DialogPosition String
    DialogTitle String
    DialogType String
    DialogX Integer
    DialogY Integer
    EnableTip Boolean N/A
    EnableTopmost Boolean
    Merchant String
    MessageType String
    PanSource String N/A
    Pan String N/A
    PosProductId String
    PurchaseAnalysisData String Purchase Analysis Data, contains any transaction specific tag data
    ReceiptAutoPrint Boolean
    ResponseCode String The response code from the acquiring bank
    ResponseText String The response text associated with the response code
    Rrn String Retrieval reference number
    Success Boolean Status of the transaction
    Stan String System Trace Audit Number
    Time String The time
    TxnRef String Transaction reference number
    TxnType String Transaction type, eg. Purchase
    Track1 String N/A
    Track2 String N/A


    Name Type Description
    EFTPOSCommand Type Integer 400
    TenderId String Id of the tender that this EFTPOS command is associated with
    DataField String The text displayed in the terminal.
    CsdReservedString1 String N/A
    CsdReservedString5 String N/A


    Name Type Description
    EFTPOSCommand Type Integer 401
    TenderId String Id of the tender that this EFTPOS command is associated with
    Receipt String The id of the original EFTPOS request if this is an event.
    CsdReservedString5 String N/A

    Custom Deployment

    Linkly recommends using the Linkly Pay at Table installer to install and configure the Linkly Pay at Table extension.

    However, if a custom deployment is required follow these steps:

    1. Ensure the latest production Linkly software is installed
    2. Copy TPP2_PayAtTable.bcx from the latest production installer to the Linkly install directory (by default %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\PC_EFT)
    3. Configure registry settings as required
    4. Restart the Linkly EFT-Client service

    REST Server Authorization

    The following options are available to secure the communication between the POS and the Pay-at-table component:

    Authorisation Header

    The POS server developer needs to provide the authorization header type (Basic or Bearer) and token for the Pay-at-table component to use when sending the API requests. For testing, this value can be set in the AUTH_HEADER_VALUE as described in Registry Settings. For production deployment, this value must be configured per lane or for cloud setup be given to Linkly Cloud Portal admin.

    Server-side validation

    The Pay-at-table component can also be configured to validate the server certificates by setting VERIFY_SERVER_CERT to 1 and the CA_CERT_FILE to the server CA certificate file path in the registry (see Registry Settings). For production deployment, this value and the actual server CA certificate file must be configured per lane or for cloud setup be given to Linkly Cloud Portal admin.

    Client-side validation

    The Pay-at-table component can also be configured to send client certificates for each API request to the POS server. The POS server can then validate the certificate it receives based on whichever criteria agreed with Linkly. For testing, SEND_CLIENT_CERT must be set to 1. The CLIENT_CERT_FILE and CLIENT_PRIVKEY_FILE must also be set as described in Registry Settings. For production deployment, this value and the actual certificate files must be configured per lane or for cloud setup must be requested to Linkly Cloud Portal admin.

    Error Codes

    The following error codes will be displayed in the terminal if any of the described scenarios occur:

    Code Description
    ZA Failed to retrieve table
    ZB Failed to create tender
    ZC Failed to update tender
    ZD Failed to retrieve order
    ZE Failed to retrieve settings
    ZF Failed to update order before tendering
    ZG Failed to update order after tendering

    Registry Settings

    The following values are all STRING types, and set in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\TPP-PAT for x86 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\TPP-PAT for 64-bit

    Field Description Default Example
    PAT_FUNC Defines the function code to initiate Pay-at-table workflow. FUNC+X. 8787 8787
    USE_LOCAL_POS 1 for local POS, 0 for REST server. Determines which POS type to connect to. 0
    PRE_TXN_DELAY The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) after exiting slave mode and before sending the transaction request to the EFTClient. Some pinpads take some time to switch slave mode. Max is 5 seconds. Format is X0000 where X is the acquirer and 0000 is the delay in milliseconds. C2000 (CBA terminal requires 2s) C2000X0010
    POST_TXN_DELAY The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) after receiving the TransactionEvent from the pinpad, before entering back to slave mode. Some pinpads take some time to switch slave mode. Max is 5 seconds. Format is X0000 where X is the acquirer and 0000 is the delay in milliseconds. C0060 C0060X0010
    INPUT_TIMEOUT The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for user input. 60 60
    EXIT_ON_CANCEL If 1, exits Pay-at-table when user presses cancel on the pinpad. Otherwise, it will the show previous page. 0 0
    SERVER_BASE_URI POS REST server url. Required if USE_LOCAL_POS is 0. If port is not given, defaults to 443 for https, 80 for http. empty https://localhost:44301/payattable
    AUTH_HEADER_VALUE The Authorisation header value used for validating itself to the server. empty Basic abY5D3YyYUtTQkN4YVU5QW53XVd7dCt4YTk2RUtyM4JDWkt1RkRkUGZYTT06NTAyOQ==
    REQUEST_PARAMS Any additional tags to append to every HTTP request to the server. empty
    VERIFY_SERVER_CERT If 1, enables server certificates verification against the Windows Trusted Root store and the given CA_CERT_FILE. 0
    CA_CERT_FILE The path to the CA certificate file to verify the server certificate against. You must specify this if you're using self-signed certificate (for testing or development) either using your CA file or your certificate file. empty pat-ca.crt
    SEND_CLIENT_CERT If 1, sends the given client certificates (CLIENT_CERT_FILE,CLIENT_PRIVKEY_FILE) to the server. 0
    CLIENT_CERT_FILE Certificate used to verify itself to the server. CLIENT_PRIVKEY_FILE must also be set. empty pat.crt
    CLIENT_PRIVKEY_FILE The CLIENT_CERT_FILE private key file; used to verify itself to the server. CLIENT_CERT_FILE must also be set. empty pat.key
    RESTORE_LAST_TXN If 1, it will attempt to process the last transaction which was not sent to the POS. This is triggered from the start of the workflow via PAT_FUNC or payment menu. 0
    PAT_MODE Determines the PAT mode tag value. 0 - disabled, 1 - customer input is enabled on the pinpad with dialogs, 2 - customer input is enabled on the pinpad without displays. 1 1


    The Linkly tipping feature supports the ability for customers to collect a tip on the terminal as part of the payment transaction.

    Linkly's components will manage the configuration and the terminal is used to interact with the cardholder to streamline the process of tipping.

    To enable tipping, configure the tipping values in the Linkly EFT-Client UI and set EnableTip to '1' in the transaction request.

    Tipping Screen

    If a tip is applied:

    This feature supports the following tip entry methods:

    To provide POS partners with the flexibility to use their own tipping solutions Linkly supports the following requests as part of the DoTransaction method.

    The TIP tag can be used by the POS to send the TIP value to the terminal for inclusion on the customer copy of the eftpos receipt, this is only required if the POS wants to implement it's own tipping solution, for all other instances nothing is needed from the POS to enable tipping for a merchant.

    TIP tag definition

    API Specification


    Display Control Panel

    This command will instruct the EFTCLIENT to display the EFTPOS control Panel which will allow the user to initiate EFTPOS operations and perform EFTPOS configurations (a password is required).
    While the control panel is active all further calls will fail.
    The operator can dismiss the control panel that will cause the EFTCLIENT to fire a response back to the POS.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Start Flag always '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 Command Code 1 '5' = displaycontrolpanel
    6 Sub Code 1 0' = Display Full Control Panel
    '1' = Display Settlement Control Panel only
    '2' = Display Journal Viewer Control Panel only
    '3' = Display Pinpad Setup Control Panel only
    '4' = Display Status Control Panel only
    7 ReceiptAutoPrint 1 '0' = POS printing
    '1' = Windows Printer
    '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer
    8 CutReceipt 1 Flag to allow the EFT-Client to cut the receipt.
    9 ReturnType 1 '0' = return response immediately (default)
    '1' = return response when control panel is closed.
    '2' = return response immediately and when the control panel is closed.
    V3 and CE client onward only


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 '5' = displaycontrolpanel
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (space)
    7 Success 1 '0' = Fail
    '1' = Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response Code For the Call
    10 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code

    Set Dialog

    This command will instruct the EFTCLIENT to use the parameters sent as the dialog positions for all screen displays. This will be remembered until the TCP/IP Interface restarts.
    The Response will return immediately.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 Always '2'
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (space)
    '5' - See Note 1
    7 Type 1 '0' = standard,
    '1' = Touch,
    '2' = Hidden
    8 DialogX 4 X position of the Linkly Dialog Window
    12 DialogY 4 Y Position of the Linkly Dialog Window
    16 DialogPosition 12 'Center'
    28 TopMost 1 '1' = True
    '0' = False
    29 Title 32 Title of the dialog window


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 StartFlag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 Always '2'
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space)
    7 SuccessFlag 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success

    Note 1: If the subcode is set to '5', the POS will not receive any display events from the client. This can be re enabled by re-sending the SetDialog with subcode as a space.
    The registry setting:
    - 0 = Let POS decide whether to get displayevents via SetDialog.
    - 100 = Never send dialogs to POS.


    Forces a settlement with the acquirer (bank) and retrieves the totals since the last acquirer settlement. With certain settlement types (shift Totals) the ResetTotals property should also be set to indicate if the stored totals should be cleared (reset to zeros).

    Note: Not all acquirers support all TxnTypes for this function.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'P' = Settlement
    6 SubCode 1 'S' = Settlement
    'P' = Pre-settlement
    'L' = Last Settlement
    'U' = Summary Totals
    'H' = Sub Totals or Shift Totals
    'I' = Transaction Listing
    7 Merchant 2 "00" Merchant Acquirer Code (00 for EFTPOS) See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    9 ReceiptAutoPrint 1 '0' = POS printing
    '1' = Windows Printer
    '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer
    10 CutReceipt 1 '1' = Cut
    '0' = Don't Cut
    11 ResetTotals 1 '1' = Reset
    '0' = Don't Reset
    12 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options
    14 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field. If the field is blank set this to "0000"
    17 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data Property.
    Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 StartFlag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'P' = Settlement
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space)
    7 Success lag 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    9 Response Code 2 Response Code from the bank for the settlement
    11 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    31 SettleCardCount 9 The number of card settlement records contained within the property Settlement Card Data.
    34 SettleCardData Length 3 Length of the following Card Data Field
    37 SettleCardData * Breakdown of totals by cards showing purchase, cashout and refund
    * TotalsData Length 3 Length of the following Totals Data Field
    * TotalsData * A totals record containing the locally stored terminal totals.
    * PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    This field is optional and may not be present.
    If the field is blank set this to "0000"
    * PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.


    This command will instruct the EFTCLIENT to logon the EFT device that is attached.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'G' = Logon
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space) = standard logon
    '4' = "RSA_LOGON"
    '5' = "TMS_FULL"
    '6' = "TMS_PARAMS"
    '7' = "TMS_SW"
    '8' = Logoff
    7 Merchant 2 "00" = EFTPOS See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    9 ReceiptAutoPrint 1 '0' = POS printing,
    '1' = Windows Printer,
    '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer
    10 CutReceipt 1 '1' = Cut
    '0' = Don't Cut
    11 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options
    13 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    16 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 StartFlag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'G' = Logon
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space)
    7 SuccessFlag 1 '0' = Fail
    '1' = Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response Code from the bank regarding the logon
    10 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    30 Caid 8 ID of the eftpos terminal
    38 Caid 15 ID of the Merchant performing the sale
    53 BankDate 6 DDMMYY
    59 BankTime 6 HHMMSS
    65 Stan 6 The Systems Trace Audit Number of the last transaction performed. (0-999999).
    71 PinpadVersion 16 Software Version running on the eftpos terminal.
    87 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    90 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.


    This command will instruct the EFTCLIENT to perform an EFTPOS transaction.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'M'
    6 SubCode 1 '0'
    7 Merchant 2 Default to '00' See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    9 TxnType 1 Always uppercase. See Appendix F - Txn Type
    10 TrainingMode 1 '1' = Training Mode on
    '0' = Training Mode off
    11 EnableTip 1 '0' = no tipping
    '1' = tipping
    default 0
    12 AmtCash 9 Left zero filled. Eg $1.00 = 000000100
    21 AmtPurchase 9 Left zero filled. Eg $1.00 = 000000100
    30 AuthCode 6 default to 6 spaces (not used for most cases)
    36 TxnRef 16 Unique Reference Number for this transaction
    52 ReceiptAutoPrint 1 '0' = POS printing,
    '1' = Windows Printer,
    '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer
    53 CutReceipt 1 '1' = Cut
    '0' = Don't Cut
    54 PanSource 1 See PanSource property in ActiveX specification
    ' ' (Space) PINpad will read card using internal card reader,
    'K' Manual Entry of card details using DateExpiry and Pan properties,
    'S' Track2 property contains application supplied card details read directly form a magnetic stripe reader (MSR)
    55 Pan 20 Pan if manually entered
    75 DateExpiry 4 MMYY of Manually entered Card Expiry Date
    79 Track2 40 Track 2 details if card was swiped by POS
    119 AccountType 1 Leave as ' ' by default
    120 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options
    122 RRN 12 Retrieval Reference Number for the transaction
    134 CurrencyCode 3 Option code to indicate requested currency. Leave as spaces unless required.
    137 OriginalTxnType 1 Type of original transaction. Only used in a voucher transaction
    138 Date 6 DDMMYY for voucher or completion only
    144 Time 6 HHMMSS for voucher or completion only
    150 Reserved 8 Reserved for the future.
    158 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    161 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'M'
    6 Sub Code 1 '0'
    7 Success 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response code from the bank
    10 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    30 Merchant 2 See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    32 TxnType 1 See Appendix F - Txn Type
    33 AccountType 7
    40 AmtCash 9 Left zero filled. Eg $1.00 = 000000100
    49 AmtPurchase 9 Left zero filled. Eg $1.00 = 000000100
    58 AmtTip 9 Left zero filled. Eg $1.00 = 000000100
    67 AuthCode 6 Authorisation code.
    73 TxnRef 16 Application supplied reference number 16 characters in length.
    89 Stan 6 The Systems Trace Audit Number of the last transaction performed. (000000-999999).
    95 Caid 15 Card Acceptor ID, also known as the "Merchant" ID.
    110 Caid 8 Card Acceptor Terminal ID.
    118 DateExpiry 4 Set before calling Transaction if a customer's card details are manually entered by the operator.
    122 DateSettlement 4 Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format
    126 Date 6 Date of transaction
    132 Time 6 Transaction time returned by the acquirer. 'HHMMSS' format.
    138 CardType 20 Indicates the card type used for the transaction as described by the bank.
    158 Pan 20 Primary Account Number. Loaded with the customer card number for manually entered transactions
    178 Track2 40 Contents of magnetic card track 2.
    218 RRN 12
    230 CardName 2 This property actually returns the Card Bin number.
    232 TxnFlags 8 See Note 1
    240 Balance Received from Host 1 '0' = FALSE
    '1' = TRUE
    241 AvailableBalance 9
    250 ClearedFundsBalance 9
    259 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    262 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.

    Note 1: Txn Flags

    Index Contents
    0 Offline Transaction.
    '1' = true
    '2' = false
    1 Receipt Printer
    '1' = true
    '2' = False
    2 Manual Card Entry.
    'E' for contact chip card
    'C' for contactless chip card
    3 Communication method.
    '0' = unknown,
    4 Currency:
    '0' = AUD '1' = Currency Converted
    5 Paypass.
    '0' = non-paypass
    '1' = PayPass
    6 Undefined
    7 Undefined

    Query Card

    This command will allow the POS to use the EFT device to read track 1 and 2 of a magnetic card.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including the start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'J' = Query Card
    6 SubCode 1 Defines if the user selects their account as part of the query card process.
    '0' =Don't select account
    '1' =Select account plus Read card Added in v1.06
    '5' = Get Account only
    7 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D
    9 Merchant 2 '00' See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    11 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    14 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data Property


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    5 CommandCode 1 'J' = Query Card
    6 SubCode 1 If "Sub Code" was set to 0 in the request this will be blank, otherwise it will contain the account selected.
    Added in v1.06
    7 SuccessFlag 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response Code for the call.
    10 Response Text 20
    30 Track2 40
    70 Track1 or Track3 80
    150 TracksRead 1 '1' = track1 only
    '2' = Track2 only
    '4' = track3 only
    Byte Combinations to indicate others
    Eg '3' = tracks 1 and 2.
    151 Bin Number of card 2 Bin number of the car that was just read ( 00 = unknown)
    153 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    If the field is blank set this to "000"
    156 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.

    Configure Merchant

    This command configures the EFTPOS pinpad Merchant parameters. Only Merchant 0 is available in the current release.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    1 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    2 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    6 CommandCode 1 '1' = Configure Merchant
    7 SubCode 1 '0'
    8 Merchant 2 "00" See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    10 AIIC 11 Acquiring Institution Identification Code.
    21 Nii 3 EFTPOS Network International Identifier.
    24 Caid 15
    39 Caid 8
    47 Timeout 3 timeout for screens (can be overridden, in seconds)
    50 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS See Appendix D


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    1 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    2 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    6 CommandCode 1 '1'
    7 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space)
    8 Success 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    9 Response Code 2 Response code from the bank
    11 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code

    Reprint Receipt

    This command requests the EFTCLIENT to reprint the last financial receipt. The receipt will be a "duplicate copy" which will be identical to the original with the addition of text indicating that it is a duplicate.
    This command will invoke a Receipt Print request from the EFTCLIENT. When this event has been answered, the response will be sent back.
    When the subcode is set to '2', the receipt data will be sent back in the response.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    5 CommandCode 1 'C' = Reprint Receipt
    6 SubCode 1 '1' = Reprint Receipt
    '2' = Get Last Receipt
    7 Merchant 2 Default to '00' See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    9 CutReceipt 1 '1' = Cut
    '0' = Don't Cut
    10 ReceiptAutoPrint 1 '0' = POS printing,
    '1' = Windows Printer,
    '9' = Internal EFTPOS Terminal Printer
    11 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options
    13 OriginalTxnRef 16 Optional. If this is present and is not spaces, then the client will lookup the txn ref# from the system storage and return the data from there. Otherwise this call will get the last receipt form the pinpad. Only available in client greater than


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    5 CommandCode 1 'C' = Reprint Receipt
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' (Space)
    7 Success 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response code from the bank
    10 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    30 Receipt The Actual Receipt.
    Length = len(msg) - 30

    Get Last Transaction

    This command requests the details of the last transaction processed by the pinpad.
    This method could be called by a POS to determine whether a transaction was successful or not following a power failure whilst an EFTPOS transaction was in progress.

    Note that the Success property refers to the outcome of the call to Get Last Transaction, not to the result of the transaction retrieved by the call.
    If a transaction was recovered, the Success property will be set to True and all other properties will be set to the values they had when the last transaction completed.

    Note that the Receipt property is not retrieved by Get Last Transaction - use the method Reprint Receipt to retrieve receipt data for a specified Merchant.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    5 CommandCode 1 'N' = Get Last Transaction
    6 SubCode 1 '0'
    7 App 2 '00' = EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options
    9 Merchant 2 '00' = EFTPOS See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    11 OriginalTxnRef 16 Optional. If this is present and is not spaces, then the client will lookup the txn ref# from the system storage and return the data from there. Otherwise this call will get the last transaction from the pinpad. Only available in clients greater than


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 Always = '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of the message including start and length field
    5 CommandCode 1 'N' = Get Last Transaction
    6 Sub Code 1 '0'
    7 Success 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    8 LastTxnSuccess 1 '0' = Failed
    '1' = Success
    9 Response Code 2 Response code from the bank
    11 Response Text 20 Response text associated with the response code
    31 Merchant 2 See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    33 TxnType 1 See Appendix F - Txn Type
    34 AccountType 7 Account Used in the transaction
    41 AmtCash 9 The amount of cash out for the transaction.
    50 AmtPurchase 9 The purchase amount for the transaction.
    59 AmtTip 9 Amount of tip given (if any).
    68 AuthCode 6 Authorisation Code
    74 TxnRef 16 Contains the cheque serial number if the Get Last request is directed at Cheque Auth
    90 Stan 6 The Systems Trace Audit Number of the last transaction performed. (000000-999999).
    96 Caid 15 Card Acceptor ID, also known as the "Merchant" ID.
    111 Caid 8 Card Acceptor Terminal ID.
    119 DateExpiry 4 Set before calling Transaction if a customer's card details are manually entered by the operator.
    123 DateSettlement 4 Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format
    127 Date 6 Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format
    133 Time 6 Transaction time returned by the acquirer. 'HHMMSS' format.
    139 CardType 20 Indicates the card type used for the transaction as described by the bank.
    159 Pan 20 Primary Account Number. Loaded with the customer card number for manually entered transactions
    179 Track2 40 Contents of magnetic card track 2.
    219 RRN 12
    231 CardName 2 This property actually returns the Card Bin number.
    233 TxnFlags 8 See Note 1.
    241 Balance received from host 1 '0' = false
    '1' = true
    242 Amount Balance 9
    251 Cleared Funds Balance 9
    260 PurchaseAnalysisData 3 Length of the following Purchase Analysis Data field.
    This field is optional and may not be present.
    263 PurchaseAnalysisData XXXX Purchase Analysis Data property. Leave this blank by default. Please see Appendix B for the format of this field.

    Note 1: Txn Flags

    Index Contents
    0 Offline Transaction.
    '1' = true
    '2' = false
    1 Receipt Printer
    '1' = true
    '2' = False
    2 Manual Card Entry.
    'E' for contact chip card
    'C' for contactless chip card
    3 Communication method.
    '0' = unknown,
    4 Currency:
    '0' = AUD '1' = Currency Converted
    5 Paypass.
    '0' = non-paypass
    '1' = PayPass
    6 Undefined
    7 Undefined

    Status Inquiry

    Queries the EFTPOS pinpad to return it's status and software version.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length tags
    5 CommandCode 1 'K'
    6 SubCode 1 Type of Status to request
    '0' by default.
    '0'= Normal Status
    '1'= Terminal App Info
    '2'= App CPAT
    '3'= App Name Table
    '4'= Undefined
    7 Merchant 2 '00' See Appendix A - Merchant codes
    9 App 2 '00'= EFTPOS
    See Appendix D for other options

    Response For Sub Code '0':

    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length tags
    5 CommandCode 1 'K'
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' Space Character
    7 Success 1 '0'= Fail
    '1'= Success
    8 Response Code 2 Response code for the call
    10 Response Text 20
    30 Merchant 2
    32 AIIC 11
    43 NII 3
    46 Caid 15
    61 Caid 8
    69 Timeout 3 000 - 255 (Seconds)
    72 LoggedOn 1 '1' = LoggedOn
    '0' = Logon Required
    73 PinpadSerialNumber 16
    89 PinPadVersion 16
    105 EFTPOSNetwork 32 Bank network currently connected to
    137 DataField Length 3 Length of the data field to follow
    140 DataField XXX


    This event is fired from the EFTCLIENT to the POS. The POS MUST respond to this event before the EFTCLIENT will continue.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 '3'
    6 SubCode 1 See Note 1
    7 Receipt X Length = Len(msg) -7
    This field will only be present if the sub-code is of type 'R'


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 '3'
    6 SubCode 1 ' ' Space Character

    Note 1:

    Receipt Type Description
    R Receipt present for POS to print
    C Customer receipt about to be printed
    M Merchant receipt about to be printed
    S Settlement receipt about to be printed
    L Logon receipt about to be printed
    A Audit receipt about to be printed
    U Duplicate receipt about to be printed
    B,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,N,O,P,Q,T,V,W,X,Y,Z Unknown receipt about to be printed

    Display Request

    Enables the POS to request custom dialog displays.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'S'
    6 SubCode 1 '0'
    7 NumberofLines 2 Number of lines of text that will follow (normally 02)
    9 LineLength 2 Length of each line of text that will follow (normally 20)
    11 DisplayText 40 The text to display. Length is number of lines * line length
    51 Cancel Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the CANCEL key can be pressed.
    '0' = Disabled
    '1' = Enabled
    52 Accept/Yes Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the ACCEPT/YES key can be pressed.
    '0' = Disabled
    '1' = Enabled
    53 Decline/No Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the DECLINE/NO key can be pressed.
    '0' = Disabled
    '1' = Enabled
    54 Authorise Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the AUTHORISE key can be pressed.
    '0' = Disabled
    '1' = Enabled
    55 InputData Field Key 1 Input Data Field Enabled Key. See Note 1
    56 OK Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the OK key can be pressed.
    '0' = Disabled
    '1' = Enabled
    57 Reserved (Not Defined) 1 Reserved (Not Defined)
    58 Reserved (Not Defined) 1 Reserved (Not Defined)
    59 Graphic Code 1 See Graphics Code table below.
    60 PurchaseAnalysisData Length 3 Length of the following PAD tag.
    This tag is optional and may not be present.
    If the tag is blank set this to '000'
    63 PurchaseAnalysisData XXX Purchase Analysis Data property.
    See Appendix B for the format for this tag

    Graphics Code

    Graphic Code Description
    '0' Processing.avi
    '1' Verify.avi
    '2' Question.avi
    '3' Card.avi
    '4' Account.avi
    '5' Pin.avi
    '6' Finished.avi

    Note 1:
    This tag is set if the Authorise Key Flag is set.
    the Input Field Key values can be:
    '1'= Normal ASCII input
    '2'= Formatted Amount entry ($
    '3'= 2 decimal place formatted entry without dollar sign
    '4'= Masked Password entry
    '5'= Supervisor Request from pinpad
    '6'= One key input from POS. As soon as one key is pressed on the POS, the key is sent to the pinpad
    '7'= Barcode + Manual entry
    '8'= Barcode only entry
    It is mandatory that a POS support option '1' for this key type

    Send Key Request

    This method sends a keystroke from the POS to the pinpad to simulate a transaction dialog button press.
    This method is primarily used when aPOS receives a key press via the OnKeyDown() event that is to be used by Linkly as one of the key presses.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 CommandCode 1 'Y'
    6 SubCode 1 '0'
    7 KeyToPress 1 Indicates the key to be pressed.
    '0' for the CANCEL key or OK key (see Note 1)
    '1' for the YES key
    '2' for the NO key
    '3' for the AUTH key
    8 Auth or InputData 60 Entry data collected by POS (see Note 2)

    Note 1:
    The OK and CANCEL key are actually the same button. The pinpad can only set one or the other at a single time.

    Note 2:
    The Input Data that is returned if the POS is implementing a custom display with Input using the Display Request

    Generic POS Command - Display Data

    Used to display text on the pinpad screen. Please note this is not supported by all pinpads.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 '0'
    7 Number of lines of text to display 2
    9 Timeout 3 000 - 255 (seconds)
    12 Display Map options:
    Byte 0 = '1' to indicate that the pinpad will display
    Byte 1 = '1' to indicate that the POS will display
    14 Pinpad Keymap:
    Byte 0 = '1' indicates ENTER key allowed
    Byte 1 = '1' indicates CLEAR key allowed
    Byte 2-7 = not used
    22 POS Keymap:
    Byte 0 = '1' indicates OK button on POS display
    Byte 1 = '1' indicates CANCEL button on POS display
    Byte 2-7 = not used
    30 Pinpad Line length 3 How many chars can fit on one line on the pinpad? standard is 020
    33 POS Display Data (2 lines at 20 char each line) 40 First 20 bytes will be on the top line, second 20 bytes will be on the bottom line on the POS dialog box
    73 Pinpad Line Data Number Of Lines * Line Length Similar to the above, if you have 8 lines at 20 chars each then each block of 20 chars will go on a line.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 '1'
    7 Response Code 2 Response code for the call
    9 Response Text 20
    29 Data X

    Generic POS Command - Print Data

    Used to print data on the pinpads internal printer. Please note this is not supported by all pinpads.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 '1'
    7 Number of lines to print 2
    9 Printer bytemap:
    Byte 0 = '1' to print on NPT printer
    Byte 1 = Not supported
    11 Line length of each print line 3
    14 Print data. This is number of lines * line length number of lines * line length Everything you wanted to print.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message including start and length fields
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 '1'
    7 Response Code 2 Response code for the call
    9 Response Text 20
    29 Data X

    Generic Slave Command

    This is used to access the pinpad via the Linkly Slave application.


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 'Z'
    7 Slave Request n *@S1004300


    Byte Position Tag Name Length Contents
    0 Start Flag 1 '#'
    1 Length 4 Length of message
    5 Command Code 1 'X'
    6 Sub Code 1 'Z'
    7 Response Code 2 00 = valid reply 01 = FUNCTION Event The following will be FUNCTION=XXXX (where XXXX is the 1-8 digit function entered on the pinpad (see Note 1))
    9 Slave Response n Response from Slave application. Only present if response code was '00'. Other response codes may have the response text in this place

    Note 1:
    The Function Event occurs when a user presses FUNCTION and a number and then enter on the pinpad.
    e.g. FUNC 99 [ENTER] on the pinpad will cause this event to occur.
    The default client setting is to not allow this event. To enable it, set the following to 1.



    This property is used in both events and methods, and because of this, there needs to be careful control over the setting of this property.
    Response results for this property:

    Returned Property Description
    From a 'TransactionReponse' The Customer account type that was selected in a transaction will be returned as:
    'Cheque','Savings', 'Credit', "Account 1", "Account 2", "Account 3", "Account 4" or "Account 5".
    From a 'QueryCardResponse' It will be "0" = Savings, "2" = Cheque, "3" = Credit


    Acquiring Institution Identification Code.
    Returned by Status Inquiry.
    Applies to Configure Merchant. Note: Not supported by all acquirers.


    The amount of cash out for the transaction.
    The STG Agency Deposit function uses this property to hold the total cash amount to deposit.
    Applies to Transaction.


    Credit limit amount.
    Not used - Reserved for future use.


    The purchase amount for the transaction.
    Returned by transaction.


    The tip amount for the transaction. Contains 0 if no tip was added. Returned by transaction.


    Authorisation code. Returned by Transaction if the EFTPOS Acquirer returned the AuthCode field. Also required as input to transaction when a Completion is being performed.
    Applies to transaction.


    Card Acceptor ID, also known as the "Merchant" ID.
    Returned by transaction, Logon, Status.
    Applies to Configure Merchant.


    Indicates the card type used for the transaction as described by the bank. Examples may include: 'AMEX', 'VISA', 'DEBIT'. The possible values of this field may change between acquirers and pinpad versions. To identify the payment type used, reference the CardName field. Returned by TransactionEvent.


    This property returns the Card BIN which can be used to identify the type of card payment used.

    Card BIN Description
    0 Unknown
    1 Debit Card
    2 China Union Pay
    3 MasterCard
    4 Visa
    5 American Express
    6 Diners Club
    7 JCB
    8 Private Label Card
    9 JCB
    10 Maestro
    11 JCB
    12 Other
    13 Cabcharge
    14 Bartercard
    15 Fuel Card
    16 Loyalty
    17 Gift Card
    18 Return Card
    19 Shop Card
    20 GE Card
    21 Non-FI Card
    22 Myer Black Card
    23 Fleet Card
    24 Motopass
    25 Motorcharge
    26 Logo 1
    27 Logo 2
    28 Visa Debit
    29 Mastercard Debit
    30 Unionpay credit
    31 Unionpay debit
    51 Wishlist
    52 GiveX
    53 Blackhawk
    54 PayPal
    55 Reserved
    56 Reserved
    57 FDI
    58 Reserved
    59 WrightExpress
    60 Reserved
    61 Reserved
    63 ePay Universal
    64 Incomm
    65 AfterPay
    66 AliPay
    67 Humm
    68 First Data Gift Card
    69 WeChat
    70 Klarna
    89 Zip Money
    90 TruRating
    98 Reserved
    99 Reserved


    Card Acceptor Terminal ID.
    Returned by transaction, logon, status inquiry.
    Applies to Configure Merchant.


    Cheque Account Number.
    NOT Used


    Cheque Branch Number.
    NOT Used


    Cheque Serial Number.
    NOT Used


    Set to True if the PINpad configuration parameters are locked.
    (If the terminal has stored transactions or there is a reversal pending the terminal details cannot be altered).
    NOT Used


    Set to True if the receipt should be cut by the printer after the receipt is printed.
    Applies to transaction, ReprintReceipt, displaycontrolpanel and Settlement.


    A private Data Field.
    - For the DisplayEvent this field contains multiple lines of text to display (usually 2 lines of 20 characters each).

    *For the QueryCardResponse *
    It will contain the following if it was available in the pinpad CPAT:

    Description Length
    Card Bin number 1 byte(non ascii)
    Account Grouping Code 1 byte
    Extended Service Code 1 byte
    Processing Code 1 byte
    AIIC 6 byte

    For the transaction, this field contains the TO/FROM data when a Funds Transfer is performed.

    For the logon, this property contains a byte array of values: Currently assigned bytes are byte 0 = EFTPOS txns allowed, byte 1 = Agency txns allowed.
    The array will be in the following order:

    Index Content
    0 Settlement
    1 Pre-Settlement
    2 Last-Settlement
    3 Sub-Totals
    4 Terminal Shift Totals
    5 Reserved
    6 Transaction Listing
    7 SAF Totals
    8 Mini-Statement
    9 Detailed Cash Statement (STG Agency)
    10-15 Reserved

    For the status-inquiry, this field will contain the Extra Status information which is used in PX328 Linkly systems and onward.
    For a transaction Request, if the TxnType is set to "K", this property will contain data for the pinpad to use in processing the Enhanced PIN command.
    This data is in the following format when the MessageType = "0" (status):

    Name Length Description
    SAF Count 4 SAF Count (if pinpad has a SAF)
    Network Type 1 '1' = Leased, '2' = Dial-up
    Hardware Serial # 16 Actual Serial Number that is unique to the h/w
    Retailer Name 40 AS2805 Field 43 (if supported by host)
    Options Flags 32 These flags denote the support of various options within the terminal.
    Stand in Credit card Limit 9 Max limit allowed for stand-in on credit cards
    Stand in Debit card limit 9 Max Limit allowed for stand-in on debit cards
    Max number of stand-in transactions 3
    Key-handling scheme 1 '0' = Single DES '1' = Triple DES
    Maximum Cash Out Limit 9 $$$$$$$cc
    Maximum Refund Limit 9 $$$$$$$cc
    Current CPAT version 6
    Current Name table version 6
    Terminal Comms Type 1 '0' = Cable, '1' = Infra-red
    Card Misread Count 6
    Total # memory pages 4
    # free memory pages 4
    EFT Terminal Type 4
    # applications in terminal 2
    # lines on terminal display 2
    Hardware inception Date 6 DDMMYY - Date that the hardware serial number was entered into this device.

    Supported Functionality Index:

    Byte Description
    0 Tipping
    1 Pre-Auth
    2 Completions
    3 Cash-Out
    4 Refund
    5 Balance Enquiries
    6 Deposits
    7 Voucher Entry
    8 MOTO Transactions
    9 Auto Completions
    10 Electronic Fallback
    11 EMV
    12 Training Mode
    13 Withdrawal
    14 Funds Transfer
    15 Start Cash

    The Data in the following format is for MessageType = '1' (Terminal Info)

    Name Byte Description
    Eprom Type 1 'Y' = 1Mb, 'X' = 2Mb
    Terminal Type 2
    OS Version 2
    OS CRC 4
    BIOS Version 2
    BIOS CRC 4
    # Free Pages 3
    # Applications 2

    For each application in the terminal the following will be present:

    Name Byte
    Application Number 2
    Application Version 2
    Active Flag 1
    Corrupted Flag 1
    Number of code pages 2
    CRC for each code page #pages * 2
    Number of data pages

    The Data in the following format is for MessageType = '2' (CPAT)

    Name Byte
    CPAT Version # 6
    # Offline Transactions allowed 3
    #card prefix entries 3

    For each CPAT entry, the following will be sent:

    Name Byte Description
    Prefix 10
    Card Index 2
    Card Bin# 2
    Account Grouping Code 1
    AIIC 11
    Processing Code 2
    DB card limit 6
    CR card limit 6
    ESC flag 1 Indicated if the Extended Service code table is to be used for this card.

    • The data is in the following format for MessageType = '3' (card name table)

    Name Byte
    Card Table version # 6
    # card prefix entries 3

    For each card name entry, the following will be sent:

    Name Byte
    Card Name 20
    Bin # 2
    Index 2

    • The Data is in the following format for MessageType = "4" (Offline Txns)

    Name Byte
    Reversal Present 1 True if the reversal is present in the SAF. The first entry will be the reversal. The remainder will be the SAF transactions.
    Number of entries 3

    For each entry in the SAF, the following will be present:

    Name Byte
    Processing Code 6
    Transaction Amount 12
    Transmission Date/Time 2 MMDDhhmmss
    POS entry mode 3
    Card Seq # 3
    Track2 Details 40 "card data", '=', "expiry date", "pad with end sentinels (?)"
    RRN 12
    Auth # 6
    Cash Out Amount 12


    Date of transaction
    Returned by transaction, logon.


    Set before calling transaction if a customer's card details are manually entered by the operator.
    Used in conjunction with the Pan property.
    Returned by transaction.
    Applies to transaction.


    Contains the settlement date for the transaction in 'DDMMYYYY' format.
    Used as input to settlement with certain EFTPOS acquirers to specify the date for which the settlement details are to be retrieved.
    In this case DateSettlement should be blank if the current days totals are to be retrieved.
    Returned by transaction Applies to settlement.


    Positions the EFTPOS operator panel. For DialogPosition to be recognised, ensure that DialogX and DialogY properties are both set to zero. The operator panel is positioned with a 20 pixel gap between dialog frame and the screen edge. To position the dialog panel at an arbitrary X-Y screen co-ordinate, use the DialogX and DialogY properties instead. The following relative screen positions are valid for DialogPosition:
    'TopLeft' 'TopCenter' 'TopRight'
    'MidLeft' 'Center' 'MidRight'
    'BottomLeft' 'BottomCenter' 'BottomRight'
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement


    The title that is to appear on the EFTPOS Dialog. (Up to 32 characters)
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement


    The type of dialog that you want to appear. Valid values are 'normal' and 'touchscreen'. Defaults to 'normal'.


    Positions the EFTPOS operator panel at a precise screen location. Used in conjunction with DialogY property to specify the absolute screen co-ordinates for the top-left corner of the selected operator dialog panel. Set DialogX to a non-zero value less than the screen width minus the width of the selected dialog.
    DialogX value of 1 represents the leftmost edge of the screen.
    This property can be used to place the Dialog partially offscreen.
    Use this property with care.
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement


    Positions the EFTPOS operator panel at a precise screen location. Used in conjunction with DialogX property to specify the absolute screen co-ordinates for the top-left corner of the selected operator dialog panel. Set DialogX to a non-zero value less than the screen width minus the width of the selected dialog.
    This property can be used to place the Dialog partially offscreen.
    Use this property with care.
    DialogY value of 1 represents the topmost edge of the screen.
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement


    Indicates the network to which the PINpad is connected.
    Returned by status-inquiry.


    If enabled, the errors "PINpad busy", "PINpad Offline" and other EFTPOS system errors result in an operator dialog being displayed before the active method returns with the error status. If disabled, no dialog is displayed and the active method is failed. The default is for error reporting to be enabled.
    When the POS is performing power-fail recovery it is recommended that EnableErrorDialog be set to False during this phase.
    Applies to all methods.


    Set before calling transaction. If EnableTip is True before calling transaction, the customer receipt will have an area for a TIP to be entered. The POS should store all details related to Tip Adjustments, so that the POS can send the tip adjustment to the Linkly system with the transaction method (with TxnType = "T").
    Applies to transaction.
    Note: Not supported by all acquirers.


    If set to True, the operator can manually enter a card number and expiry date through the EFTPOS Dialog.
    Applies to transaction.
    Not Used


    If set to True, the EFTPOS Dialog will always be at the top of the window order. The Default is True, and will revert to the default after each method if not reset by caller.
    Applies totransaction, logon, settlement
    Note: It is not advisable to use this property, as the POS may require bank certification.


    The name of the file to download.
    Not used - Reserved for future use.


    Indicates if the EFTPOS subsystem has been successfully installed. The Installed property will be set to True if the Linkly client product has been successfully installed on the workstation. Installed does not indicate the status of the EFTPOS subsystem and may be used to determine if EFTPOS functionality should be offered to the user.
    Property is updated at initialization by the ActiveX control.


    This property is used to hold the CVV (card verification value ) of the magnetic card stripe. This field is not mandatory.


    Set to True if the last transaction was successful.
    Returned by GetLasttransaction.


    The unique license identification string for the PINpad.
    Returned by status-inquiry.
    Not Used


    Set to True if the PINpad is in a logged on state, False if a logon is required. It is never necessary for an application to use logon to explicitly logon a PINpad as auto-logons are performed.
    Returned by status-inquiry.


    Indicates the active Merchant. (Reserved for future use) - Currently only Merchant 0 is supported and setting this property to any other value will result in an error.
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement, and status-inquiry.
    Note: Not used - Reserved for future use.


    A property to represent:
    - The Message type returned by transaction.
    - The Subcode to select in a status-inquiry request.
    - The resulting subcode in a status-inquiry


    EFTPOS Network International Identifier.
    Returned by status-inquiry.
    Applies to configMerchant.
    Note: Not supported by all acquirers.


    Primary Account Number. Loaded with the customer card number for manually entered transactions.
    Only credit card details may be entered manually. Refer also to the properties DateExpiry, and PanSource.
    Returned by transaction (return format is acquirer dependent any may be in short 6...3 format).
    Applies to transaction.


    Indicates the source of the customer card details. The following values are valid for PanSource:

    Value Description
    ' ' (Space) PINpad will read card using internal card reader
    'K' Manual Entry of card details using DateExpiry and Pan properties
    'S' Track2 property contains application supplied card details read directly form a magnetic stripe reader (MSR)

    The following additional options are only used in MOTO (mail order/telephone order systems) where the Pan source is a manually entered card. Use the above 'K' option for all other manual card options.

    Value Description
    '0' Internet originated transaction
    '1' Telephone originated transaction
    '2' Mail order originated transaction
    '3' Customer present
    '4' Recurring transaction
    '5' Installment

    Applies to transaction


    The port to which the PINpad is attached. On input, this property may be used to set the specific PINpad port to use. On output, it indicates the PINpad port actually used for the transaction.
    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement
    Note: Not supported by all acquirers.


    The hardware ID or Serial Number of the attached PINpad.
    Returned by status-inquiry.


    The PINpad software name and version (Up to 16 characters).
    Returned by status-inquiry, logon.


    The name of the POS application that is using the ActiveX control. This property should be initialised by the application before using any methods. It is only necessary to set this property once throughout the life of the application (Up to 10 characters).


    The name of the vendor of the POS application that is using the ActiveX control. This property should be initialised by the application before using any methods. It is only necessary to set this property once throughout the life of the application (Up to 32 characters).


    The version of the POS application that is using the ActiveX control. (eg v1.23 -> "0123") This property should be initialised by the application before using any methods. It is only necessary to set this property once throughout the life of the application. (4 characters). Suggested format is xxyy where xx is major and yy is minor version numbers.


    Formatted EFTPOS receipt information (Up to 2048 characters).


    ReceiptAutoPrint Description
    "0" Return all receipts to the POS in a receipt event. Only supported when async=true
    "1" Print receipts using EFT-Client Windows printer
    "7" Print all merchant/signature receipts from the PINpad printer, return all other receipts to the POS in the transaction/logon/settlement response
    "9" Print all receipts from the PINpad printer

    Applies to transaction, logon, settlement displaycontrolpanel

    Note: Setting the ReceiptAutoPrint flag to '0' is strongly encouraged.


    This property should be set to True if the current totals should be reset when calling settlement
    with TxnType of shift Totals.
    Applies to settlement.


    A 2 character code returned by the bank indicating the result of the transaction.
    Returned by all events.


    A textual description of the bank response code (up to 20 characters).
    Returned by all events.


    The message type of the last transaction.
    Returned by GetLasttransaction.


    The number of card settlement records contained within the property SettleCardData.


    Not Supported


    Ascii records containing settlement data for each card type settled. The ascii card records are defined as follows:

    Length Description
    20 Card Name
    9 Purchase Amount
    3 Purchase Count
    9 Cash-Out Amount
    3 Cash-Out Count
    9 Refund Amount
    3 Refund Count
    1 Totals sign (+ or -)
    9 Totals Amount
    3 Totals Count


    The Systems Trace Audit Number of the last transaction performed. (0-999999).
    Returned by transaction, GetLasttransaction, logon.


    Indicates success or failure of relevant event/method call.
    Returned by all events.


    Transaction time returned by the acquirer. 'HHMMSS' format.
    Returned by transaction, logon.


    EFTPOS transaction timeout. Determines the maximum amount of time that the PINpad will wait for a reply from the EFTPOS network. Value is from 10-255 seconds.
    Returned by status-inquiry.
    Applies to configMerchant.
    Note: Not all acquirers support modification of this value.


    A totals record containing the locally stored terminal totals.

    Length Description
    20 Totals Description
    9 Purchase Amount
    3 Purchase Count
    9 Cash-out amount
    3 Cash-out count
    9 Refund Amount
    3 Refund Count
    1 Total Sign
    9 Total Amount
    3 Total Count

    For a Mini Statement or a Store and Forward totals message, this field will contain the data sent back in those responses as defined by the bank.
    For a settlement with a txntype of "A" (Daily Cash Statement), this field will contain data to be sent to the terminal. The format of this data is up to the terminal application that needs the data.

    For each charge card:

    Length Description
    11 Card Name
    02 Totals bin
    03 Credit count
    09 Credit amount
    03 Debit count
    09 Debit amount
    09 Net amount

    Note: there is only one base record, but the number of charge cards is variable.


    Contents of magnetic card track 1 or 3, if either is read by the PINpad.


    The total number of cheques that are to be processed by a STG Agency terminal Deposit function.
    Applies to: transaction.


    Contents of magnetic card track 2. This property should be loaded by the application prior to calling transaction if the customer card is read by an application Magnetic Stripe Reader.
    Query Card returns the contents of track 2 for any card. The format of this field is acquirer dependent any may be in shorted format.
    Returned by transaction Applies to transaction.


    Application supplied reference number up to 16 characters in length. TxnRef can contain any ascii characters between 32 and 127 (decimal).
    Important! TxnRef is associated with the EFTPOS transaction and must be unique for each call to transaction.
    Returned by transaction, GetLasttransaction.
    Applies to transaction.


    This property should be set to indicate the type of transaction to be performed when calling Transaction or Settlement.
    See Appendix F - TxnType.

    Settlement Types

    Returned by transaction Applies to transaction and settlement.
    Note: Not all TxnTypes are supported by all acquirers.

    Value Added Applications

    One Button


    The Linkly One button offers a simple entry point for POS developers to send transactions to Linkly supported third party payment applications.

    Customers will still need to support each payment type, and have it enabled within the Linkly environment for One button to work.

    Instead of needing to implement different transaction types for different applications, the POS need only implement this one. This API requires knowledge of the Linkly Basket.

    When a purchase is sent to Merchant 99, the PIN pad will display a menu asking the customer to select which payment type they would like to use for the transaction.

    For example, if the merchant has Afterpay, Alipay, and Humm enabled will have the following menu options:

    Payment Type

    1. Afterpay
    2. Alipay
    3. Humm

    The customer is then able to select which payment option to use.

    Payment supported by the One Button API:


    The One Button API is based on the Core Payments API and requires the POS to implement the same minimum requirements.


    Each AppHub product requires a set of credentials to identify and authorise the merchant on the third party's platform. These credentials range from username/password to one-time activation keys and are normally entered manually into the local registry or via a Linkly provided installer. The process for onboarding via Connect is as follows:

    1. Merchant gets credentials from the third party
    2. Linkly register merchant in Cloud Portal as instore or cloud customer
    3. Merchant enters ActivationCode into their lane
    4. Linkly perform activation process on customer's AppHub products
    5. Linkly deploy and configure selected AppHub products to customer's lane
    6. Merchant can now perform AppHub sales.

    Transaction Types

    Supported Transaction Types

    The One Button API provides the following transactional types across AppHub products:

    Transaction Types

    Management of merchant/bank functions

    Transactional Scenarios

    Error Handling


    Purchase Request

    To call the One Button purchase request, make a Core Payments purchase request with:

    Purchase Response

    The CardName and Merchant properties in the response will indicate the payment type selected.


    Refund Request

    To call the One Button refund request, make a Core Payments refund request with:

    Refund Response

    The refund response is in the format of the transaction response object, see the Transaction section for a detailed breakdown.

    The CardName and Merchant properties in the response will indicate the payment type used for the refund.

    Management Functions

    The POS should implement Linkly Core Payments management functions with:

    Error Handling

    The POS should implement error handling as outlined by the Error recovery section.

    Third Party payment barcode/QR code timeout

    The table below lists how long the bar code or QR code from the payment provider is valid for once it's generated by the customer.

    Third Party Payment Method Timeout
    ZipMoney Barcode 5 minutes
    AfterPay Barcode 10 minutes
    Alipay QR Code Unknown
    WeChat QR Code Unknown
    Humm Barcode 5 minutes

    Optional Functionality

    Custom Displays

    The POS can implement custom display handling using the Core Payments Optional Functionality.

    Query Card Functionality

    This function can be used by the POS display the app selection screen on the PIN pad to obtain a two digit "merchant id" which can be used in subsequent purchase or refund requests.

    The primary use of this function is to allow the POS to perform actions based on the payment type selected by the customer before the payment continues, such as validating if any items exist in the basket which are prohibited for the selected payment type.

    If the POS is using this function it must follow the payment flow detailed below:

    1. POS sends QueryCard to Linkly
    2. Linkly prompts customer to select payment type
    3. Customer selects payment
    4. Linkly return selected payment to POS
    5. POS processes based on returned value
    6. POS blocks transaction and ends sale OR POS initiates transaction using Merchant Code in QueryCard response
    7. Transaction initiates automatically without additional customer input

    Query Card Request

    Perform a standard QueryCard with the following property set:

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    Merchant 2 Must be '99' Identifies this sale as One Button '99'
    App 2 Must be '02' to indicate a

    Query Card Response

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    Merchant 2 Must be '99' Identifies this sale as One Button '99'
    Success 1 Indicates if the transaction was successful '1' = Success '0' = Failed
    Response Code 2 Response code indicating sale status '00' = Approved 'X0' = No response
    Response Text 20 Response message associated with the response code 'TRANSACTION APPROVED'
    [Bin Number] 2 2-digit Merchant identifier of payment method selected '89' = Zip '66' = Alipay '65' = Afterpay

    POS Barcode Scanning

    This function allows the POS to scan a barcode instead of the PIN pad. The POS will receive a DisplayEvent and must answer with a SendKey; populating the DataEntry field this will be the Barcode for the sale. POS must set the PCM PAD tag's first byte to '1' to indicate it can support this functionality and wants to use it for the transactions.

    Transaction Request

    Perform a sale with the following Purchase Analysis Data Tag:

    Tag Name Tag Value Description Example
    PCM Flag array of functionality supported by POS POS Capabilities Matrix. First byte = POS can scan Barcode PCM0011

    This will cause the EFT-Client to send a DisplayEvent to the POS with the following properties:

    Display Event

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    NumberOfLines 2 Number of lines of text '02' – two lines
    LineLength 2 Length of each line of text '20' line is 20 char long
    DisplayText 40 Text to display 'SCAN BARCODE'
    Cancel Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the CANCEL key can be pressed '0' = Disabled '1' = Enabled
    InputData Field Key 1 See 'Custom Displays' Section '7'
    OK Key Flag 1 Indicates whether the OK key can be pressed '0' = Disabled '1' = Enabled

    The POS must reply to the above display event with a SendKey Request as detailed below:

    Send Key Request

    The POS must reply to the above display event with a Send Key Request as detailed below:

    Field Name Length (characters) Description Example
    KeyPressed 1 Indicated which key is to be pressed '0' for the CANCEL key '1' for the YES key '2' for the NO key '3' for the AUTH key '0' = CANCEL
    InputData 60 Entry data collected by POS (the barcode) 209849083

    Purchase online, refund in-store

    When completing a refund in-store for an online purchase: * The REF pad tag indicates the unique identifier returned from the online purchase * The RFN pad tag does not need to be set * The Merchant field indicates the payment provider to perform the refund


    To call the One Button refund request, make a Core Payments refund request with Application "02", Merchant, and REF pad tag set.

    Example refund request object

    Field Description
    Command 'M'
    App Set to '02'
    Merchant Indicates the payment provider to perform the refund
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund request
    AmtPurchase Amount to refund via selected provider
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD, NZD). Default AUD
    TxnRef Unique POS reference number
    CutReceipt Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt
    ReceiptAutoPrint Indicates where to print the receipt
    PurchaseAnalysisData Extended fields. See PurchaseAnalysisData requirements below.


    Tag Name Type Notes Example
    [REF] Reference Number string(128) Indicates the unique identifier returned from the online purchase REF0360b072c9f-7e96-4de3-a367-d7da6231a919
    OPR OperatorReference string(128) POS operator name and id. Format: ID|Name OPR00766|test
    UID Globally unique value UUID v4 UUID v4 used to uniquely identify this sale across all registers UID0367f619126-5fa7-4351-8585-1d4f813019d2
    NME POS Name string(64) Name of POS. This should match accreditation POS name NME007TestPOS
    VER POS Version string(64) Version of the POS. This should match accreditation VER0041.00
    VND POS Vendor ID UUID v4 A unique UUID v4 which identifies the POS POS product. This value can be hard coded into the build of the POS. e.g. All merchants using the same POS product should supply the same posVendorId value VND036907b3267-c37d-49c1-a8a2-429f937748c6
    PCM POSCapabilitiesMatrix string(32) POS Capabilities Matrix. First byte = POS can scan Barcode PCM00400000
    Third Party Merchant REF
    Klarna 70 Set to Order Id returned from Klarna API

    Refund Response

    The refund response is in the format of the transaction response object, see the Transaction section for a detailed breakdown.

    The CardName and Merchant properties in the response will indicate the payment type used for the refund.

    AppHub Payment specific details:

    For response codes related to One button transactions please see the response code section.



    Below is a Zipmoney Purchase Receipt


    Below is a ZipMoney Refund Receipt


    Field Mapping


    Zip Transaction Receipt

    This Reference is generated by ZipMoney and sent to Linkly after a transaction request. Linkly will send this field in the 'REF' PAD Tag. This field is also printed on the receipt under the heading 'ZipMoney Reference:'

    Merchant Transaction Reference

    This reference is the POS transaction Reference passed to ZipMoney via Linkly. The POS generates this field and passes it in a Transaction Request in the 'TxnRef' field. This field is returned to the POS in a TransactionResponse in the 'TxnRef' field.



    Below is an Afterpay purchase Receipt


    Below is an AfterPay Refund Receipt


    Field Mapping:



    This reference is the POS transaction Reference passed to Afterpay via Linkly. The POS generates this field and passes it in a Transaction Request in the 'TxnRef' field. This field is returned to the POS in a TransactionResponse in the 'TxnRef' field.


    This reference is the AfterPay reference for the sale, this is returned to the POS in the 'REF' PAD Tag. This reference is printed on the receipt under the heading 'AfterPay Order ID:'. This reference is required to perform a refund.


    This reference is only sent for Refunds; it is the AfterPay reference for the refund, this is returned to the POS in the 'REF' PAD Tag. This reference is printed on the receipt under the heading 'AfterPay Refund ID:'


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary AfterPay transactions outlined in this document. This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's as covered by the ActiveX interface documentation. This document also assumes an existing understanding and implementation of the Linkly Basket API as cover by the Basket API section


    The AfterPay extension file (TPP_AfterPay.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the AfterPay extension requires various identifiers provided by AfterPay to be configured. This is covered by the installation executable provided by Linkly.


    Note: Optional Fields will ONLY return if the POS is responsible for Token management. Some methods and fields also are only used if the POS is responsible for Token management.


    This logon call is a onetime Activation used to get the AfterPay Device Id and Key for the lane.
    Note: Activation via this API call is optional and only needs to be implemented if the POS is to assume responsiblity for Token Management.


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    DID Device Id from AfterPay
    KEY Token creation key from afterpay

    Create Token
    This logon call can be used to create a token independently of a transaction.
    Note: This API Call is optional and only needs to be implemented if the POS wishes to create tokens independently of doing transactions.

    - Set Merchant to '65' for afterpay logon
    - Set TxnType to 'X' to indicate Create Token.
    - Set App to '02'
    - Set PurchaseAnalysisData ONLY if the POS is responsible for token management: - DID - Device Id as returned in Activation
    - KEY - Token creation key as returned in Activation
    - Set Command Code to 'G' to indicate Logon


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    TKN - Optional Token From AfterPay
    TEX - Optional Token expiry time (in seconds) from AfterPay

    Pre-Approval Enquiry(Balance)

    This transaction can be used to perform a Pre-Approval Enquiry (Balance Check) using AfterPay.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '65' to indicate a AfterPay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate a Balance
    Pan AfterPay barcode, or blank if provided in PAD
    PanSource Barcode capture method
    App Set to '02'
    Pan - Optional AfterPay barcode if Card Number is blank, otherwise don't send this
    TKN - Optional Current Valid Token
    DID - Optional Device Id from Activation
    KEY - Optional Key from Activation
    OPR Current POS operator id or name


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    AMT Pre-approved amount from AfterPay
    MIN Minimum allowable purchase amount
    EXP Expiry DateTime of pre-approved barcode
    TKN - Optional Token from afterpay
    TEX - Optional Token expiry time (in seconds) from AfterPay


    This transaction can be used to perform an Order (Purchase) using AfterPay. Please Note: AfterPay does not support automatic reversals, and as such the POS must implement and initiate idempotent retires in the case that a response is not received for Order (Puchase) transactions; the Response Code to indicate this is 'X0'.


    Field Description
    Merchant Set to '65' to indicate a AfterPay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to pay with AfterPay
    Pan AfterPay barcode, or blank if provided in PAD
    PanSource Barcode capture method
    CurrencyCode (Optional) ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD)
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    App Set to '02'
    Pan - Optional AfterPay barcode if Card Number is blank, otherwise don't send this
    TKN - Optional Current Valid Token
    DID - Optional Device Id from Activation
    KEY - Optional Key from Activation
    UID Globally unique request id used for idempotent retries
    OPR Current POS operator id or name


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    REF Order Id from AfterPay
    AMT Approved purchase amount from AfterPay
    TKN - Optional Token from afterpay
    TEX - Optional Token expiry time (in seconds) from AfterPay


    This transaction can be used to perform a Refund using AfterPay. Please Note: AfterPay does not support automatic reversals, and as such the POS must implement and initiate idempotent retires in the case that a valid response is not received for Refund transactions; the Response Code to indicate this is 'X0'.


    Field Description
    Merchant Set to '65' to indicate a AfterPay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to refund with AfterPay
    CurrencyCode (Optional) ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD)
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    CommandCode Set to 'M'
    REF Order id of the order to refund against
    TKN - Optional Current Valid Token
    DID - Optional Device Id from Activation
    KEY - Optional Key from Activation
    UID Globally unique request id used for idempotent retries
    OPR Current POS operator id or name


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    REF Order Id from AfterPay
    AMT Approved purchase amount from AfterPay
    TKN - Optional Token from afterpay
    TEX - Optional Token expiry time (in seconds) from AfterPay


    This transaction can be used to invite a customer to use AfterPay


    Field Description
    Merchant Set to '65' to indicate a AfterPay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'K' to indicate a Invite
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to invite for
    CurrencyCode (Optional) ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD)
    App Set to '02'
    CommandCode Set to 'M'
    PHN The customer's phone number
    TKN - Optional Current Valid Token
    DID - Optional Device Id from Activation
    KEY - Optional Key from Activation
    OPR Current POS operator id or name


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC response code from AfterPay
    TKN - Optional Token from afterpay
    TEX - Optional Token expiry time (in seconds) from AfterPay

    Registry Settings

    The TPP AfterPay extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The installer exe should be used unless specific configuration is required. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP AfterPay extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\AFTERPAY Key AfterPay Registry Key
    ACTIVATION_KEY String Onetime activation secret generated by AfterPay
    DEVICE_NAME String Device Name assigned by AfterPay
    MERCHANT_ID String Merchant Number assigned by AfterPay

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary Alipay transactions outlined in this section.
    Use of this extension assumes an existing understanding and implementation of the Linkly Basket API.

    The Alipay extension file (TPP2_Alipay.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The Alipay extension is also dependant on the TPP_MasterGUI.bcx for basket and certain standalone functionality.
    In addition to the basic TPP2 lane configuration, the Alipay extension requires various identifiers provided by Alipay to be configured in the Registry. Please refer to Registry for further details.


    Status Query

    This transaction can be used to perform a Status Query for a specific Alipay Purchase Transaction.
    Note: The result of the status query does not always fully reflect the status of the transaction. For example, partial refunds are not reflected in the returned Purchase Amount / AMT.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '66' to indicate an Alipay request
    Txn Type Set to 'B' to indicate a Status Query
    RFN Retrieval Reference of Purchase


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Original transaction amount
    HRC Response code from Alipay
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Alipay
    RFN Retrieval Reference
    STS Transaction Status from Alipay


    This transaction can be used to perform a Purchase (QR code / Barcode) using Alipay.
    Note: QR code only works on compatible terminals. Depending on registry settings and PAD fields a direct Barcode purchase can be done instead of a QR code purchase.
    Note: Pressing the function key (on the pinpad) at the QR code display will cancel the QR code transaction and fall back to a manually entered barcode transaction.
    Note: This transaction can be cancelled while the QR Code is displayed (using the Cancel button on the POS dialog), but only before the customer completes the purchase.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '66' to indicate an Alipay request
    Txn Type Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Amount to pay with Alipay
    Pan (optional) Alipay barcode value
    PanSource (optional) Barcode capture method
    Currency Code (optional) ISO Currency Code (e.g. AUD)
    Txn Ref Number POS transaction reference number
    TNM (optional) Transaction Name (displayed to customer)
    PMD (optional) Set to BARCODE to force a direct barcode purchase
    SKU Basket Id


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved purchase amount
    Txn Ref Number POS transaction reference number
    HRC Response code from Alipay
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Alipay
    RFN Retrieval Reference (used for Refund, Query, Cancel)


    This transaction can be used to perform a full or partial Refund using Alipay.
    Please Note: Alipay does not support the cancellation (or reversal) of refunds.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '66' to indicate an Alipay request
    Txn Type Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund
    AmtPurchase Amount to refund with Alipay
    Currency Code (optional) ISO Currency Code (e.g. AUD)
    Txn Ref Number POS transaction reference number
    RFN Retrieval Reference of Purchase


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved refund amount
    Txn Ref Number POS transaction reference number
    HRC Response code from Alipay
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Alipay


    This transaction can be used to cancel a Purchase.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '66' to indicate an Alipay request
    Txn Type Set to 'I' to indicate a Cancel
    RFN Retrieval Reference of Purchase


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    HRC Response code from Alipay
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Alipay

    Basket Data

    For reference, please see Basket API

    Alipay uses the standard basket header fields.

    Alipay uses the following extended basket header fields:

    Alipay uses the following standard basket item fields:
    id, qty, amt, name, link, desc

    Alipay does not use any extended basket item fields.


    The Alipay extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry.
    The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP2 Alipay extension.

    Name Default Description
    ## \CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\Alipay
    ALIPAY_PARTNER_ID ID of Alipay partner (acquirer)
    ALIPAY_Merchant_ID Merchant Id as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_Merchant_NAME Merchant Name as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_Merchant_INDUSTRY Merchant Industry as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_STORE_ID Store ID as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_STORE_NAME Store Name as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_TERMINAL_ID (optional) Terminal ID as registered with Alipay partner
    ALIPAY_SELLER_ID (optional) Seller ID as registered with Alipay
    ALIPAY_SELLER_EMAIL (optional) Seller Email as registered with Alipay

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP2 extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP2 extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    Note: ## refers to the "SOFTWARE" registry key. On pre-Win7 or 32-bit Windows this location is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE". On Win7 64-bit and later it is usually mapped to the location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node". Please ensure values are stored at the appropriate location for your POS.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform Blackhawk gift card transactions to the Blackhawk host via the Linkly Data Centre. This document is primarily intended for POS software developers who are integrating the Blackhawk features into the POS. It assumes readers are familiar with the standard Linkly client API which is covered by the Linkly EFTClient TCP Specification.

    The Blackhawk extension file (TPP_BLACKHAWK.BCX) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The POS must also have the TPPS_GENERIC.BCX extension installed (or an alternative TPPS extension provided by Linkly). The Generic extension provides the TPP Control Panel that can be used for viewing and setting the lane configuration for the TPP extensions. In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the Blakhawk extension requires the AID values that are provided by Blackhawk to be configured via the TPP Control Panel. Refer to the Linkly TPP Setup Guide for further information about installation and setup of TPP extensions. Use the PCEFTPOS-Blackhawk-TPP-Installer. Depending on the choice for deployment, all TPP settings may also be pushed directly to the registry.


    This transaction can be used to perform a card activation for a Blackhawk gift card. The POS may send the card number and UPC in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Blackhawk extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the Blackhawk host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '53' to indicate a Blackhawk transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    UPC Card UPC. Required if card information is being sent by the POS.
    PAN Card Number (Optional)
    CNB Card Bin (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (Optional)
    HRC Blackhawk Host Response Code (Optional)


    This transaction can be used to void, or cancelation of an activation for a Blackhawk gift card. The POS may send the card number and UPC in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Blackhawk extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the void request to the Blackhawk host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '53' to indicate a Blackhawk transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    UPC Card UPC. Required if card information is being sent by the POS.


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Blackhawk Host Response Code (Optional)


    The TPP Blackhawk extension can also be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP Blackhawk extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-BLACKHAWK Key Blackhawk Registry Key
    AIIC String Blackhawk AID Value provided by blackhawk

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    EPay Prepaid


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary epay transactions outlined in the following sections This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's as covered by the ActiveX interface documentation.

    The epay extension file (TPP_EPAY.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). Depending on the choice for deployment, all TPP settings may also be pushed directly to the registry. Aditionally the TPP installer can be used for automatic installation.

    The POS can use the following methods to perform various epay transactions for the sale of e vouchers, e top-up, and POSA products as well as the sale and redemption of gift cards. The POS must pass the epay Product Id to the TPP. In the case of certain card based products the UPC (aka EAN) can be given instead of the Product Id.

    Card Status

    This transaction can be used to perform a status inquiry on an epay card.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate a Status
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    PID Epay Product Id
    UPC Card UPC (aka EAN) (Optional)
    PHN Phone Number (optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    RSV Reserved Value on the card (optional)
    STS Card Status (optional)

    Card Load/Sale

    This transaction can be used to load value on to, or sell, an epay card.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Load/Sale
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    PID Epay Product Id
    UPC Card UPC (aka EAN) (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Expiry Date As DDMMYY (optional)
    RSV Reserved Value on card (optional)

    Refund to Card

    This transaction can be used to load value to an epay gift card in the case of a refund.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    PID Epay Product Id
    UPC Card UPC (aka EAN) (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    RSV Reserved Value on card (optional)

    Redeem Card

    This transaction can be used to perform a redemption / purchase with an epay gift card.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay gift card transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Redeem / Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    PID Epay Product Id
    UPC Card UPC (aka EAN) (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    RSV Reserved Value on card (optional)

    Voucher Sale

    This transaction can be used for the sale of an e-voucher


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay gift card transaction
    TxnType Set to 'V' to indicate a Voucher Sale
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    PID Epay Product Id
    PHN Phone Number


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    EXP Expiry Date as DDMMYY ( Optional)
    SRN Product Serial Number (optional)
    SEC Product Security Code (optional)
    VFD Valid from the date as DDMMYY (optional)

    Reprint Voucher

    This transaction can be used to request the reprint of a voucher using either the epay transaction reference (REF), or the Txn Ref Number (RRN) of the original transaction.

    Note: RRN should only be used if the original transaction was done recently and on the same lane, otherwise REF is the preferred option.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay gift card transaction
    TxnType Set to 'X' to indicate a Reprint
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    REF Epay transaction reference (optional)
    RRN Original transaction Txn Ref Number (optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference


    This transaction can be used to void a previous epay transaction using either the epay transaction reference (REF), or the Txn Ref Number (RRN) of the original transaction. Note: RRN should only be used if the original transaction was done recently and on the same lane, otherwise REF is the preferred option. For card based products the card number (Pan) must be swiped or scanned again, it cannot be manually entered. For non-card based products (i.e. those that do not require a Pan) the card number source '0' (zero) can be used to indicate that no Pan is required.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '63' to indicate a Epay gift card transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Void
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PPD Set to 'EPY' for epay processing
    REF Epay transaction reference (optional)
    RRN Original transaction Txn Ref Number (optional)


    Field Description
    Success 1 if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from epay
    REF Epay Transaction reference
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    RSV Reserved value on card (optional)


    The TPP Epay extension can also be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP Epay extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-EPAY Key Epay Registry Key
    TID String Epay Terminal Id
    SHOPID string A 7-digit store identifier. It is recommended this be padded to 7 digits. Eg. 0001234
    RETAILERID String Epay retailer id (optional)
    TILLID String Epay till id (optional)
    RECEIPT_WIDTH dword Receipt Width (optional) (default 32, min 24)

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform Third-party payment options via the Epay acquirer outlined in this section.
    This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's.

    The EpayWallet extension file (TPP2_EpayWallet.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The EpayWallet extension is also dependant on the TPP_MasterGUI.bcx for standalone functionality.
    In addition to the basic TPP2 lane configuration, the EpayWallet extension requires various identifiers provided by EpayWallet to be configured in the Registry. Please refer to the Registry section for further details.


    This transaction can be used to purchase using a EpayWallet payment. Depending on the processing host please see the purchase section of:

    In addition to the required fields listed in the processing host spec the following are required for processing via Epay:

    Field Description
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale

    In addition to the standard response fields covered by the processing host, Epay returns the following:

    Field Description
    HRC EpayWallet response Code
    REF EpayWallet Purchase Reference Number
    RFN EpayWallet Refund Code
    ORD EpayWallet OrderId
    HRF Host processing reference number (Alipay or WeChat)


    This transaction can be used to refund using a EpayWallet payment. Depending on the processing host please see the refund section of:

    In addition to the required fields listed in the processing host spec the following are required for processing via Epay:

    Field Description
    OPR Current POS operator id or name

    In addition to the standard response fields covered by the processing host, Epay returns the following:

    Field Description
    HRC EpayWallet response Code
    REF EpayWallet Purchase Reference Number
    RFN EpayWallet Refund Code
    ORD EpayWallet OrderId
    HRF Host processing reference number (Alipay or WeChat)


    The EpayWallet extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry.
    The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP2 EpayWallet extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ## \CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\TppEpayWallet Key EpayWallet Registry Key
    USERNAME Epay Username
    PASSWORD Epay Password
    TERMINALID Epay TerminalId

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP2 extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP2 extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LANEINFO Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A three digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    Note: ## refers to the "SOFTWARE" registry key. On pre-Win7 or 32-bit Windows this location is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE". On Win7 64-bit and later it is usually mapped to the location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node". Please ensure values are stored at the appropriate location for your POS.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary FDI GiftCard transactions outlined in this section.
    This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's.

    The FDI-GiftCard extension file (TPP2_FirstDataGiftCard.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The FDI-GiftCard extension is also dependant on the TPP_MasterGUI.bcx for standalone functionality.
    In addition to the basic TPP2 lane configuration, the FDI-GiftCard extension requires various identifiers provided by FDI-GiftCard to be configured in the Registry. Please refer to the Registry section for further details.


    This transaction can be used to perform a Balance Check on a card.

    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '68' to indicate a FDI-GiftCard transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate Balance
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    CPC (Optional) Customer Post Code
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC FDI-GiftCard response Code
    BAL Card Balance from FDI
    PRV Previous Card Balance from FDI
    EXP Card Expiry Date (DDMMYYYY) from FDI


    This transaction can be used to activate a card using First Data.

    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '68' to indicate a FDI-GiftCard transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate Activation
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to activate the card with
    Pan FDI-GiftCard card number
    PanSource Card capture method
    Track2 Card track2 data (only provide if pan is blank)
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency Code
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    CPC (Optional) Customer Post Code
    PMC (Optional) Promotion Code
    GRP (Optional Transaction Group Id
    MFD (Optional) Mark transaction as Merchant funded
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    (On Success) AmtPurchase Approved Activation Amount
    (On Success) AuthCode Auth Code from FDI
    HRC FDI-GiftCard response Code
    BAL Card Balance from FDI
    PRV Previous Card Balance from FDI
    EXP Card Expiry Date (DDMMYYYY) from FDI
    REF Reference from First Data
    RFN Retrieval Reference values (used for Void)


    This transaction ca be used to Reload a FDI-GiftCard

    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '68' to indicate a FDI-GiftCard transaction
    TxnType Set to 'T' to indicate Reload
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to reload the card with
    Pan FDI-GiftCard card number
    PanSource Card capture method
    Track2 Card track2 data (only provide if pan is blank)
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency Code
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    CPC (Optional) Customer Post Code
    GRP (Optional Transaction Group Id
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    (On Success) AuthCode Auth Code from FDI
    HRC FDI-GiftCard response Code
    BAL Card Balance from FDI
    PRV Previous Card Balance from FDI
    EXP Card Expiry Date (DDMMYYYY) from FDI
    REF Reference from First Data
    RFN Retrieval Reference values (used for Void)


    This transaction can be used to purchase using a FDI-GiftCard

    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '68' to indicate a FDI-GiftCard transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set the sale amount
    Pan FDI-GiftCard card number
    PanSource Card capture method
    Track2 Card track2 data (only provide if pan is blank)
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency Code
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    CPC (Optional) Customer Post Code
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    (On Success) AuthCode Auth Code from FDI
    HRC FDI-GiftCard response Code
    BAL Card Balance from FDI
    PRV Previous Card Balance from FDI
    EXP Card Expiry Date (DDMMYYYY) from FDI
    REF Reference from First Data
    RFN Retrieval Reference values (used for Void)
    RCP (Optional) ReceiptCode


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '68' to indicate a FDI-GiftCard transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate Void
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    CPC (Optional) Customer Post Code
    RFN Retrieval Reference of the sale to Void
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    (On Success) AuthCode Auth Code from FDI
    HRC FDI-GiftCard response Code
    BAL Card Balance from FDI
    PRV Previous Card Balance from FDI
    EXP Card Expiry Date (DDMMYYYY) from FDI
    REF Reference from First Data


    The FDI-GiftCard extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry.
    The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP2 FDI-GiftCard extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ## \CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\FDGiftCard Key FDI-GiftCard Registry Key
    MERCHANT_ID String FDI Defined Merchant ID
    TERMINAL_ID String FDI Defined Terminal ID
    ALT_MERCHANT_ID String FDI Defined Alternative Merchant ID
    (Optional) COUNTRY_CODE String FDI CountryCode
    (Optional) MERCHANT_FUND_ID String FDI Merchant-Funded ID
    (Optional) ALT_MERCHANT_FUND_ID String Alternative FDI Merchant-Funded ID
    (Optional) RECEIPT_CODE String FDI Receipt Code
    (Optional) ALT_TERMINAL_ID String Alternative Terminal ID

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP2 extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP2 extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LANEINFO Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A three digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    Note: ## refers to the "SOFTWARE" registry key. On pre-Win7 or 32-bit Windows this location is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE". On Win7 64-bit and later it is usually mapped to the location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node". Please ensure values are stored at the appropriate location for your POS.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform GiveX gift card transactions to the GiveX host via the PC EFTPOS Data Centre. This document is primarily intended for POS software developers who are integrating the GiveX features into the POS. It assumes readers are familiar with the standard Linkly client API which is covered by the "PC-EFTPOS EFTClient TCP Specification".

    The GiveX extension file (TPP_GIVEX.BCX) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The POS must also have the TPPS_GENERIC.BCX extension installed (or an alternative TPPS extension provided by Linkly). The Generic extension provides the TPP Control Panel that can be used for viewing and setting the lane configuration for the TPP extensions. In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the GiveX extension requires the Username and Password values that are provided by GiveX to be configured via the TPP Control Panel. Depending on the choice for deployment, all TPP settings may also be pushed directly to the registry.


    This transaction can be used to perform a redemption from a gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Redeem/Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    PIN Card PIN can be sent by the POS here (optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to perform a balance enquiry on a gift card. The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate a Balance Enquiry
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to load value onto a gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Load Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to cancel (or void) a gift card transaction.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Cancel/Void Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to perform a gift card refund.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to perform a gift card top-up.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the GiveX extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the GiveX host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '52' to indicate a GiveX transaction
    TxnType Set to 'T' to indicate a Top-Up Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    Pan Alternative location for Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    EXP Card Expiry Date (optional)
    Pan Card Pan (allows Pan length > 20)
    HRC GiveX Host response Code (optional)


    The TPP GiveX extension can also be configured by pushing values directly to the registry.
    The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP GiveX extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-GIVEX Key GiveX Registry Key
    USERNAME String GiveX Username value provided by GiveX
    PASSWORD String GiveX Password value provided by GiveX

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary Humm transactions outlined in this section.
    This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's as covered by the "PC-EFTPOS EFTClient TCP Specification" and "PC-EFTPOS ActiveX Control for EFTClient" documents.

    The Humm extension file (TPP2_Humm.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The Humm extension is also dependant on the TPP_MasterGUI.bcx for standalone functionality.
    In addition to the basic TPP2 lane configuration, the Humm extension requires various identifiers provided by Humm to be configured in the Registry. Please refer to the Registry section for further details.

    Activation of TPP2_Humm is done in the background as long as the proper registry keys are set when installing the TPP Failure to properly activate the extension will result in 'Config required'/'Activation required' errors. See Registry section for more details.



    This method can be used to initiate an Humm transaction. The POS must pass in the total purchase amount for the sale in the 'AMT' Tag The POS will receive an Humm purchase number on the conclusion of the sale.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '67' to indicate a Humm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to pay with Humm
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Pan Humm barcode value
    PanSource Barcode capture method
    OPR (optional) Operator ID who performed the sale
    AMT Total Purchase Amount (in cents)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Humm response Code
    REF Humm Purchase Number


    This transaction can be used to perform a Refund using Humm.
    The POS must pass in the Humm Purchase Number in the 'REF' Tag


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '67' to indicate a Humm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to refund with Humm
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    REF Reference (Purchase Id) of the purchase to refund
    OPR (Optional) Operator ID who performed the refund


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Humm response Code


    This Method can be used to perform an Humm Invite The POS must pass in the customer phone number in the 'PHN' Tag


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to start transaction
    Merchant Set to '67' to indicate a Humm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'K' to indicate an Invite
    AmtPurchase Set to the amount to invite for with Humm
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    PHN The customer's phone number
    OPR (Optional) Operator ID who performed the invite


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Humm response Code


    The Humm extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry.
    The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP2 Humm extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ## \CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\Humm Key Humm Registry Key
    ACTIVATION_KEY String Merchant POS Device Token, used for background activation
    Merchant_ID String Humm defined MerchantId
    NZ_MODE String Defines if txns go to New Zealand endpoint(1) or Australian endpoint(0) (Default: 0)

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP2 extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP2 extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LANEINFO Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A three digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    Note: ## refers to the "SOFTWARE" registry key. On pre-Win7 or 32-bit Windows this location is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE". On Win7 64-bit and later it is usually mapped to the location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node". Please ensure values are stored at the appropriate location for your POS.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary Incomm transactions outlined in this document. This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's as covered by the Linkly EFTClient TCP Specification.

    The Incomm extension file (TPP_INCOMM.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The POS must also have the TPPS_GENERIC.BCX extension installed (or an alternative TPPS extension provided by Linkly). The Generic extension provides the TPP Control Panel that can be used for viewing and setting the lane configuration for the TPP extensions. In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the Incomm extension requires various identifiers provided by Incomm to be configured via the TPP Control Panel. Depending on the choice for deployment, all TPP settings may also be pushed directly to the registry.

    Card Load/Sale


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '64' to indicate a InComm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Load/Sale
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    UPC Card UPC. (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (Optional)
    HRC InComm Host Response Code (Optional)
    REF InComm transaction reference

    Void Card Load/Sale


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '64' to indicate a InComm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Load/Sale Void
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    UPC Card UPC. (Optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (Optional)
    HRC InComm Host Response Code (Optional)
    REF InComm transaction reference

    Voucher Sale


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '64' to indicate a InComm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'V' to indicate a Voucher sale
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    UPC Product UPC (Required if PID not given)
    PID InComm Product ID (Required if UPC not given)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from InComm
    REF InComm transaction reference
    SRN Product Serial Number (optional)
    Voucher Redeem Code (Optional)

    Void Voucher Sale

    This transaction can be used to void a previous active code (voucher) product sale. Note that the POS must capture and pass the Redeem Code (VRC) of the voucher to void. This code is printed on the receipt and passed in the PurchaseAnalysisData of the original transaction.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '64' to indicate a InComm transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Voucher Void
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    VRC The Redeem Code of the voucher to void
    PID InComm Product ID (requird if UPC not given)
    UPC Product UPC (required if PID not given)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response code from InComm
    REF InComm transaction reference


    The TPP Incomm extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP Incomm extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-INCOMM Key InComm Registry Key
    CAIC String Incomm Store ID
    CATI String Incomm Terminal ID
    AIIC String Incomm Merchant Retailer Id (optional)
    RECEIPT_WIDTH dword Receipt width (optional, Default 24, minimum 24)

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.



    Klarna is a large Swedish bank that provides international financial services. They eliminate financial risks related to consumer credit by providing in-store credit checks and handling of customer payments.

    The Linkly Klarna extension enables the POS to perform Klarna transactions outlined in this section.

    Start Developing

    Install required software


    Once a purchase transaction request is made, the Klarna TPP2 Extension will initiate a Klarna payment session, providing a QRCode for the customer to scan. Alternatively, the customer can choose to enter their phone number by clicking the button on the pinpad to receive the Payment Session link via SMS. After the customer has confirmed the payment the approved transaction will be sent back to the POS. The RFN PAD tag will contain the order id and should be stored for any future refunds.

    To integrate Klarna, it is recommended that all transactions go through the One Button API via the '99' Merchant number. Regardless, this integration must meet the minimum Core Payments requirements.


    This transaction can be used to perform a Purchase (QR code / SMS) using Klarna.
    Note: QR code only works on compatible terminals. Depending on registry settings and PAD fields a direct SMS purchase can be performed instead of a QR code purchase.
    Note: Selecting the SMS option (on the pinpad) at the QR code display will cancel the QR code transaction and fall back to an SMS transaction, prompting the customer to enter their phone number.
    Note: This transaction can be cancelled while the QR Code is displayed (using the Cancel button on the POS dialog), but only before the customer completes the purchase.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '70' to indicate a Klarna request
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Amount to pay with Klarna in cents
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD, NZD). Default AUD
    TxnRef Unique POS reference number
    CutReceipt Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt
    ReceiptAutoPrint Indicates where to print the receipt
    SKU Basket Id
    OPR Operator Reference
    AMT Total Amount
    UID Globally Unique ID
    NME POS Name
    VER POS Version
    VND POS Vendor ID
    PCM POS Capabilities Matrix


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved purchase amount
    TxnRef Echoed from request
    CurrencyCode Code to indicate the currency the sale was processed using. Default is AUD
    TxnType Echoed from request
    CardName This returns the Card Bin number, which identifies the payment processor
    HRC Response code from Klarna
    HRT Response Text from Klarna
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Klarna
    RFN Retrieval Reference (used for Refund, Query, Cancel)
    UID Globally unique value echoed from request


    This transaction can be used to perform a full or partial Refund using Klarna.
    Please Note: Klarna does not support the cancellation (or reversal) of refunds.

    Purchase online, refund in-store: When completing a refund in-store for an online purchase with Klarna:


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    Merchant Set to '70' to indicate a Klarna request
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Refund request
    AmtPurchase Amount to refund from Klarna
    CurrencyCode ISO Currency code (e.g. AUD, NZD). Default AUD
    TxnRef Unique POS reference number
    CutReceipt Indicates to cut or not cut the receipt
    ReceiptAutoPrint Indicates where to print the receipt
    RFN Retrieval Reference of Purchase
    OPR Operator Reference
    UID Globally Unique ID
    NME POS Name
    VER POS Version
    VND POS Vendor ID
    PCM POS Capabilities Matrix


    Field Description
    Success '1' if transaction was successful
    Response Code '00' if the transaction was approved
    Response Text Response message
    AmtPurchase (cond. success) Approved refund amount
    TxnRef Echoed from request
    CurrencyCode Code to indicate the currency the sale was processed using. Default is AUD
    TxnType Echoed from request
    CardName This returns the Card Bin number, which identifies the payment processor
    HRC Response code from Klarna
    HRT Response Text from Klarna
    REF Reference (Trade No) from Klarna
    UID Globally unique value echoed from request

    Basket Data

    For reference, please see Basket API

    Custom Deployment

    Linkly recommends using the Linkly Klarna installer to install and configure the Linkly Klarna extension.

    However, if a custom deployment is required follow these steps:

    1. Ensure the latest production Linkly software is installed
    2. Copy TPP2_Klarna.bcx from the latest production installer to the Linkly install directory (by default %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\PC_EFT)
    3. Configure registry settings as required
    4. Restart the Linkly EFT-Client service

    In addition to the basic TPP2 lane configuration, the Klarna extension requires a store level username and password provided by Klarna to be configured in the Registry.

    Registry Settings

    The following values are all STRING types, and set in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\Klarna for x86 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\Klarna for 64-bit

    Name Default Description
    USERNAME Klarna username
    PASSWORD Klarna password
    COUNTRY_CODE Klarna Country Code (e.g. AU, NZ)

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP2 extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP2 extensions.

    The following values are all STRING types, and set in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LANEINFO for x86 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LANEINFO for 64-bit

    Name Default Description
    MerchantId A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress Optional store address information.



    This document outlines the POS API for the TPP TruRating extension. This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the lane to capture and send TruRating customer rating to the TruRating host via the Linkly Data Centre. This document is primarily intended for POS software developers who are integrating the TruRating features into the POS. It assumes readers are familiar with the standard Linkly client API which is covered by the ActiveX Documentation.

    The TruRating extension file (TPP_TRURATING.BCX) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). Like all TPP extensions, the TruRating extension requires the basic TPP lane configuration to be setup in the registry. By default, lane identification for TruRating is taken from the EFTPOS pinpad terminal and Merchant ID's which avoids the need for any special configuration for TruRating. However, these can be overridden if required by applying additional settings in the registry.
    By default, the TruRating extension is designed to capture customer ratings on all EFTPOS purchase and refund transactions. This behaviour does not require the POS to specifically invoke the TruRating extension as such the POS may not need to implement any of the API calls outlined in this specification.

    New Zealand TruRating uses different settings for New Zealand customers than the default, as such New Zealand customers should make sure the 'HOST_ID' registry setting is set to 'TRU115NZ'.



    This transaction can be used to perform a customer rating capture via the TruRating extension. A POS would only need to implement this method for Rating capture if the automatic rating mechanism (that captures a rating during a standard EFTPOS tender) does not suffice. For example, the POS may choose to invoke a rating request during the basket scan stage, prior to the tender stage. A response will be sent to the POS at the end of the rating. Alternatively the POS may send a cancel key press event to the EFT Client at any time to terminate the rating capture. Note that the POS must ensure this transaction has ended before the POS makes another transaction request to the Linkly Client (such as an EFTPOS purchase). If the POS is invoking this transaction during basket scan it may be desirable to suppress the PC EFTPOS transaction dialog so that it does not display on the POS during this transaction. Refer to the standard Linkly Client API documentation for further information regarding this.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '90' to indicate a TruRating transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Rating Request
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount(attached to the rating)
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    OPR Optional POS operator information


    Field Description
    Success true if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code


    This transaction can be used to apply result, basket, and other additional information to the current rating; such as a rating taken using the above Rating transaction, or even a rating taken automatically during an EFTPOS transaction. The rating will be closed and sent once updated. For an EFTPOS transaction, even one for which a rating was taken using a Rating transaction, various fields, including the response code, amount and tip, will automatically be captured from the EFTPOS transaction result. In such cases it is not necessary to supply these values in the top-up transaction. A top-up transaction can only be used within a certain time period after a rating has been taken (see Registry for settings) and will only apply to the current rating. After the time period has elapsed, or if a new rating is invoked (either manually or automatically), the current rating will automatically be closed and sent. Note: Doing a top-up transaction will close the current rating, and as such, it can only be done once per rating. Note: Any value (including an empty value) passed in the PAD fields of a top-up transaction will overwrite the existing value for that field. It is therefore recommended that PAD fields only be included if a valid value is available.

    Tender Types:
    Current values for the tender type (Appendix C - Purchase Analysis Data 'TDR' field) include:


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '90' to indicate a TruRating transaction
    TxnType Set to 'T' to indicate a Top-up request
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    OPR Optional POS operator information
    TRC Optional transaction response code to set for the rating
    AMT Optional transaction amount to set for the rating.
    TIP Optional transaction amount to set for the rating
    TDR Optional Tender Type. See Tender types above
    LYL Optional Loyalty Value, STAFF or LOYALTY
    CUR Optional currency value. this must be a ISO 4217 numeric value, e.g '036' for AUD, or '554' for NZD


    Field Description
    Success true if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code


    This transaction can be used to perform a manual activation of TruRating on the lane. The main purpose of this transaction would be to reactivate a lane that had been deactivated by the TruRating host. The activation pass code will be prompted for during these transaction and an online TruRating activation will be attempted. A response will then be sent to the POS to indicate the result of the activation attempt.
    Note: Activation can also be done by pushing a pass code to the registry. This however is a non interactive background process that administrators may prefer to use for the rare occasions that a reactivation of a lane might be required. Refer to section 5 Registry for further details.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '90' to indicate a TruRating transaction
    TxnType Set to 'A' to indicate a Activation Request
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    OPR Optional POS operator information


    Field Description
    Success true if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code


    In order for the TPP TruRating extension to operate correctly the extension must be configured by setting appropriate values in the POS registry. This can be done automatically via the installer. Every POS/lane that is using any TPP extension must configure the LaneInfo registry location. These are shared by all TPP extensions. The first three values, MerchantId, StoreId and LaneId are crucial to the correct functioning of all TPP extensions and must be configured. Other values are recommended but optional. By default, the TruRating MID and TID are derived from this information (MID is MerchantID_StoreID and TID is LaneId)

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.

    The following table summarises additional registry values that affect the behaviour of the TruRating extension. These settings are not normally required and should not be set unless there is a particular need for them.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-TRURATING Key TruRating Registry Key
    Merchant_CODE String TruRating Merchant identifier override (obtained from TruRating). When present the TruRating extension will use this as the Merchant identifier instead of using a value derived from the LaneInfo values.
    TERMINAL_CODE String TruRating terminal identifier override (obtained from TruRating). When present the TruRating extension will use this as the terminal identifier instead of using a value derived from the LaneInfo values.
    PASSCODE string Reactivation Passcode. When present (and the lane is in a deactivated state) the lane will start silently attempting activations. Once successful or after 5 failed responses, the passcode will be deleted from the registry and the activation attempts will stop.
    RATING_TIMEOUT integer Rating prompt timeout in seconds. Defaults to 35 secs.
    CURRENT_RATING_TIMEOUT integer Time Limit for a Top-up transaction to be applied to the current rating. Defaults to 300seconds (5minutes).
    AUTO_RATING integer Set to 0 to skip automatic rating prompts at the start of an EFTPOS transaction. Default 1.
    HOST_ID string Optional non-default host id.

    Display Settings:

    The following table summarises additional registry values that can be used to customise the various displays of the TruRating extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-TRURATING Key TruRating Registry Key
    POS_RATING_DISPLAY String Optional custom text, up to 2 lines of 25 characters each, to display on POS while customer enters rating. See Note 1.
    PRE_RATING_MSG String An optional message, up to 8 lines of 16 characters each, that is displayed before the rating prompt.
    PRE_RATING_TIMEOUT integer Seconds to display the PRE_RATING_MSG for. Default 3
    DISPLAY_RATING_1 string Optional custom text, up to 4 lines of 16 characters each, to display after a rating has been taken. See Note 2, 3 and 4.
    DISPLAY_RATING_2 string Optional custom text, up to 4 lines of 16 characters each, to display after a rating has been taken. See Note 2, 3 and 4.
    DISPLAY_RATING_3 string Optional custom text, up to 4 lines of 16 characters each, to display after a rating has been taken. See Note 2, 3 and 4.
    DISPLAY_RATING_DELAY integer Milliseconds to display rating text for. Default 1000
    DISPLAY_PRIZE String Optional custom text, up to 4 lines of 16 characters each, to display if the customer wins a prize See Note 3 and 4.
    DISPLAY_PRIZE_DELAY integer Milliseconds to display prize text for. Default 6000
    DISPLAY_NO_RATING String Optional text, up to 4 lines of 16 characters each, to display if the customer skips the rating See Note 3 and 4.
    DISPLAY_NO_RATING_DELAY integer Milliseconds to display no rating text for. Default 1000.

    Note 1: POS_RATING_DISPLAY is split at 25 characters, but padding is otherwise ignored, with the text automatically centred on each line.

    Note 2: DISPLAY_RATING_1, DISPLAY_RATING_2, and DISPLAY_RATING_3 are cycled between (unless set as empty) with each successful rating.

    Note 3: The text for DISPLAY_RATING_1, DISPLAY_RATING_2, DISPLAY_RATING_3, DISPLAY_PRIZE, and DISPLAY_NO_RATING is split into lines of exactly 16 characters each. To create a nice display, please ensure that each intended line is exactly 16 characters in length (padding with spaces as necessary).

    Note 4: DISPLAY_RATING_1, DISPLAY_RATING_2, DISPLAY_RATING_3, DISPLAY_PRIZE, and DISPLAY_NO_RATING are automatically vertically centred if only 1 or 2 lines of text are defined. To force a message to the top of the display add up to a third empty line (i.e. spaces) after the message.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform WeChat payments outlined in this section.
    This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's.


    This transaction can be used to perform a purchase using a Wechat payment.

    Field Description
    Command Method Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    Merchant Set to '69' to indicate a WeChat transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set the sale amount
    Pan (Optional) Wechat Barcode number
    PanSource (Optional) Barcode capture method
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    OPR Operator ID who performed the sale
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Wechat response Code
    REF WeChat Purchase Reference Number
    RFN Refund Code


    This transaction can be used to refund using a Wechat payment.

    Field Description
    Command Method Set to 'M' for a transaction request
    Merchant Set to '69' to indicate a WeChat transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set the sale amount
    TxnRef Unique Transaction reference number
    App Set to '02' to indicate an extension request
    RFN Refund reference Code
    OPR Current POS operator id or name
    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC WeChat response Code
    REF WeChat Purchase Reference Number
    RFN Refund Code


    Please refer to the EpayWallet registry section for configuration of the extension.


    This document outlines the POS API for the TPP Wishlist extension. This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform Wishlist gift card transactions to the Vii/Wishlist host via the Linkly Data Centre. This document is primarily intended for POS software developers who are integrating the Wishlist features into the POS. It assumes readers are familiar with the standard Linkly client API which is covered by the ActiveX interface documentation.


    The Wishlist extension file (TPP_WISHLIST.BCX) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the Wishlist extension requires the AIIC, CaTI and CaIC values that are provided by Vii to be configured. TPP settings may be pushed directly to the registry. However there is an installer available that will fill these in automatically.


    This transaction can be used to perform a redemption from a Wishlist gift card. The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Wishlist extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the Wishlist host for processing.


    Field Description
    CommandCode Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '51' to indicate a Wishlist transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase/Redeem
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PIN Card PIN can be sent by the POS here (optional)


    Field Description
    Success True if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL - Optional Card Balance
    EXP - Optional Card Expiry Date
    HRC Vii/Wishlist Host Response Code


    This transaction can be used to perform a balance enquiry on a Wishlist gift card. The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Wishlist extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the Wishlist host for processing.


    The request is invoked using the ActiveX transaction method. In addition to the usual fields expected for this method, the following table defines the fields that must be set for the Wishlist API.

    Field Description
    CommandCode Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '51' to indicate a Wishlist transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate a Balance Enquiry
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    PIN Card PIN can be sent by the POS here (optional)
    PMT Set to '1' for balance prompt (optional)


    Field Description
    Success True if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL - Optional Card Balance
    EXP - Optional Card Expiry Date
    HRC - Optional Vii/Wishlist Host Response Code


    This transaction can be used to load value onto a Wishlist gift card. The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Wishlist extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the Wishlist host for processing.


    Field Description
    CommandCode Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '51' to indicate a Wishlist transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Load Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'


    Field Description
    Success True if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL - Optional Card Balance
    EXP - Optional Card Expiry Date
    HRC - Optional Vii/Wishlist Host Response Code


    This transaction can be used to cancel (or void) the load of a Wishlist gift card. The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the Wishlist extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the redemption request to the Wishlist host for processing.


    The request is invoked using the ActiveX transaction method. In addition to the usual fields expected for this method, the following table defines the fields that must be set for the Wishlist API.

    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M'
    Merchant Set to '51' to indicate a Wishlist transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Cancel/Void
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card track 2 data if captured by the POS otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'


    The response will be received via transaction. In addition to the usual fields, the following are of particular importance for the Wishlist API.

    Field Description
    Success True if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL - Optional Card Balance
    EXP - Optional Card Expiry Date
    HRC - Optional Vii/Wishlist Host Response Code


    The TPP Wishlist extension can also be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP Wishlist extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-WISHLIST Key Wishlist Registry Key
    AIIC String Wishlist AIIC value provided by Vii
    CATI String Wishlist CATI value provided by Vii
    CAIC String Wishlist CAIC value provided by Vii

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform gift card transactions to the WrightExpress host via the PC EFTPOS Data Centre. This document is primarily intended for POS software developers who are integrating the WrightExpress features into the POS. It assumes readers are familiar with the standard Linkly client API which is covered by the Linkly EFTClient TCP Documentation.

    The WrightExpress extension file (TPP_WRIGHTEXPRESS.BCX) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT-Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The POS must also have the TPPS_GENERIC.BCX extension installed (or an alternative TPPS extension provided by Linkly). The Generic extension provides the TPP Control Panel that can be used for viewing and setting the lane configuration for the TPP extensions.

    In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the WrightExpress extension requires the WrightExpress Merchant Code that is provided by WrightExpress to be configured via the TPP Control Panel. Refer to the Linkly TPP Setup Guide for further information about installation and setup of TPP extensions. Depending on the choice for deployment, all TPP settings may also be pushed directly to the registry.


    This transaction can be used to perform a redemption from a WrightExpress gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the WrightExpress extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the WrightExpress host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '59' to indicate a WrightExpress transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase/Redeem Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Expiry Date Card expiry date if provided by POS otherwise blank
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    EXP voucher expiry Date in DDMMYY format (optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    RRN Retrieval Reference Number
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    HRC WrightExpress Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to perform a balance enquiry on a WrightExpress gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the WrightExpress extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the WrightExpress host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '59' to indicate a WrightExpress transaction
    TxnType Set to 'B' to indicate a Balance Inquiry
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Expiry Date Card expiry date if provided by POS otherwise blank
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    EXP voucher expiry Date in DDMMYY format (optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    HRC WrightExpress Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to activate a WrightExpress gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the WrightExpress extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the request to the WrightExpress host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '59' to indicate a WrightExpress transaction
    TxnType Set to 'D' to indicate a Load Transaction
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Expiry Date Card expiry date if provided by POS otherwise blank
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    EXP voucher expiry Date in DDMMYY format (optional)


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    RRN Retrieval Reference Number
    BAL Card Balance (optional)
    HRC WrightExpress Host response Code (optional)


    This transaction can be used to cancel (or void) the activation of a WrightExpress gift card.
    The POS may send the card number in the request if this information is known to the POS. If the card number is not sent by the POS the WrightExpress extension will prompt for the card to be swiped on the EFTPOS terminal prior to sending the redemption request to the WrightExpress host for processing.


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '59' to indicate a WrightExpress transaction
    TxnType Set to 'I' to indicate a Cancel/Void
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan Card Number if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Card capture method if captured by the POS
    Track2 Card Track 2 Data if captured by the POS, otherwise blank
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC WrightExpress Host response Code (optional)


    The TPP WrightExpress extension can also be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP WrightExpress extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\PCEFFTPOS_BRIDGE\TPP-WEXPRESS Key WrightExpress Registry Key
    Merchant_CODE String WrightExpress Merchant Code value provided by WrightExpress

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\PC-EFTPOS\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId string A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress string Optional store address information.


    This extension adds to the core EFTPOS payment API that is provided to the POS by the Linkly EFT Client and allows the POS to perform the proprietary ZipMoney transactions outlined in this document. This document assumes an existing understanding of the Linkly solution and core API's as covered by the Linkly EFTClient TCP Specification. The use of this API assumes an existing understanding and implementation of the Linkly Basket API.

    The ZipMoney extension file (TPP2_ZipMoney.bcx) must be installed to the same folder as the EFT Client executable (EftClnt.exe) on the POS (by default this is the "C:\PC_EFT" folder). The ZipMoney extension is also dependent on the TPP_MasterGUI.bcx for basket and certain standalone functionality.
    In addition to the basic TPP lane configuration, the ZipMoney extension requires various identifiers provided by ZipMoney to be configured in the Registry.

    GetLastTransaction and ReprintReceipt are supported in ZipMoney and follow the standard API format, with the exception that the Merchant is set to '89' for Zip instead of '00' for eftpos.



    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '89' to indicate a ZipMoney transaction
    TxnType Set to 'P' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the transaction amount
    Pan ZipMoney code if provided by the POS otherwise blank
    PanSource Code capture method if captured by the POS
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    OPR Operator info in the format: RefCode
    AMT Total Transaction amount (must be >= AmtPurchase) (optional)
    TAX Tax amount (optional)
    SHP Shipping amount (optional)
    SKU Basket Id from Basket API


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response Code from ZipMoney
    REF ZipMoney Transaction Id
    RFN ZipMoney transaction Id (to be used for refund)


    Field Description
    Command Code Set to 'M' to indicate transaction request
    Merchant Set to '89' to indicate a ZipMoney transaction
    TxnType Set to 'R' to indicate a Purchase
    AmtPurchase Set to the Refund amount
    TxnRef Unique transaction reference number
    App Set to '02'
    OPR Operator info in the format: RefCode
    REF ZipMoney Id of the transaction to refund
    RFN Refund reference code. Will override REF value for VAS API support.


    Field Description
    Success '1' if successful
    Response Code '00' if it was approved
    Response Text response message associated with the response code
    HRC Response Code from ZipMoney

    Basket Data

    For reference, please see Basket API


    The TPP ZipMoney extension can be configured by pushing values directly to the registry. The following table summarises the registry values that should be set for the TPP ZipMoney extension.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\DLLS\TPPZIPMONEY Key ZIPMONEY Registry Key
    API_KEY String API key provided by ZipMoney
    LOCATION_ID String Location ID provided by ZipMoney
    SEND_APPROVED_ACK String If acknowledgement is needed - Empty for disabled; Value of '1' to enable (Optional)

    In addition to these settings, every lane that is using any TPP extension must also configure the following registry locations. These are shared by all TPP extensions.

    Registry Key Or Value Type Description
    ..\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\LaneInfo Key Lane Information Registry Key
    MerchantId String A unique 5-7 character label that is unique per Merchant/Brand (contact Linkly for this)
    StoreId String A five-digit store identify of your choosing. It is recommended this be padded to 5 digits. Eg. 01234
    LaneId String A thre digit lane number (pad to three digits) Eg."005"
    StoreAddress String Optional store address information.


    Appendix A - Merchant Codes

    Below are the Merchant codes that can be entered into a Merchant field, this will perform the request/method ONLY with the Merchant specified, unless the Merchant is '00'.
    The Default Merchant is '00' which is EFTPOS, for regular sales and requests use this merchant code.

    Note: Not all functions are supported by all Merchants.

    Merchant IDs & TID PREFIX FOR TPP DLL's

    Merchant Code / Merchant HostId Description
    51 / WLT Wishlist
    52 / GVX Givex
    53 / BHN Blackhawk
    54 / PPL Paypal
    55 / ZOO Zoo Republic
    56 / EPY ePay (Not Used)
    57 / FDI FDI
    58 / TBM The Bored Monkey
    59 / WEX WrightEXpress
    60 / RNT Rental Payments / NAB Transact
    61 / HRS Harris Scarfe
    61 / UNP United Petroleum (Fuel Card/Shopper Docket)
    61 / FUS Fusion Loyalty
    62 / QLG Qantas Loyalty Gateway
    63 / EPY ePay Universal Protocol
    64 / INC Incomm
    65 / AFP AfterPay
    66 / ALI Alipay
    70 / KLA Klarna
    ?? / ARK Arkade Loyalty
    89 / ZMY ZipMoney
    90 / TRU TruRating
    99 / SLV Slave

    Note: 61 can be used for any proprietary in-house extension that will never be deployed outside a given Merchant.

    Appendix B - Response Codes

    Below are the response codes to a specific function. The codes are usually associated with a 'Response Text' that describe the result of the function performed.
    Eg. 00 for a transaction is approved and its Response Text is "APPROVED ".

    Common Response Codes

    Response Code Response Text Additional Information
    00 APPROVED Transaction / function completed successfully
    S0 MODEM ERROR (Should be CBA only) Generic Connection error - can't connect to the bank
    S7 NO EFT SERVER Linkly EFT Client is not connecting to EFT Server
    S8 NO EFT SERVER Error in the lines tab of the EFT Server
    P7 COMMS ERROR Comms issue with the pinpad or the EFT server
    XT CONFIG REQUIRED Pinpad not configured with TID/MID
    TF INIT REQUIRED Pinpad needs to be logged on
    TB TMS REQUIRED Pinpad needs to logon to TMS
    N8 SERVER ERROR Invalid TID entered into the pinpad
    B1 PRINTER ERROR Linkly setup to handle printing, but no printer defined
    97 ALREADY SETTLED Pinpad already has been settled
    78, 79, XG SYSTEM ERROR ANZ Specific:
    Bank configuration issue
    ZB PINPAD BUSY ANZ Specific:
    Pinpad is not ready to accept transaction
    X0 NO RESPONSE Bank not responding to the terminal

    Developer-Specific Response Codes

    Response Code Response Text Additional Information
    08 Approved
    A1 Recursive Call ActiveX busy
    A4 Invalid Merchant Merchant does not exist
    A7 Internal Buffer ActiveX message smaller than expected
    B2 Unsupported Operation
    B3 Client Offline Client not running / another program using client
    B4 Internal Buffer ActiveX message larger than expected
    B5 Invalid Amount POS sent wrong amount
    B6 Invalid Dialog
    B7 Invalid TxnType
    B8 Invalid TxnRef
    BY PINpad Busy
    D0 Invalid AuthCode POS sent wrong AuthCode
    E2 No Previous Txn
    TG Display Error POS display error
    TH Printer Error POS Printer Error
    Z0 Modem Error
    Z5 Power Fail

    Appendix C - Purchase Analysis Data

    The purchase analysis data field allows the POS to send custom tag data to the pinpad.
    It is also possible for the pinpad to return data to the POS in the field for certain messages.
    The format for both send and receive of this data is the same. The value of each tag is dependent upon the pinpad application.

    Only use this field if instructed by Linkly.

    Byte Position Field Length Description
    0 Tag Name 3 The name of the tag as defined by the pinpad
    2 Tag Data Length 3 The length of the tag data to follow, not including the tag name and data length fields. ASCII and padded with leading zeros.
    5 Tag Data X The tag data as defined by the pinpad

    Example 1:
    Setting the property to "XXX006ABCDEF" would mean the pinpad receives a tag called 'XXX' with a length of 6 and the data 'ABCDEF'

    Example 2:
    Setting the property to "XXX001aYYY003ABCZZZ00245" the pinpad receives:

    Silent Card Not Supported In Transaction

    Limit Account Selection

    Operator Display Prompts

    Field 48 Data

    Myer Specific

    Tip value passed from POS

    Amount tag

    SKU tag

    Unique Card Identifier

    Available Balance

    Cleared Funds Balance

    Appendix D - Application Codes

    Code Application
    '00' EFTPOS
    '01' AGENCY
    '02' Linkly Configurable Application
    '03' Gift Card
    '04' Fuel
    '05' Medicare
    '06' Amex
    '07' Cheque Auth

    Appendix F - TxnType

    This property should be set to indicate the type of transaction to be performed when calling transaction or settlement.

    Values Application
    B Balance Enquiry.
    P Purchase, Purchase & Cash
    R Refund
    C Cash Only
    D Deposit
    The deposit amount is placed in AmtPurchase (excluding STG Agency terminal)
    St George Agency terminal note:
    AmtPurchase contains the cheque amount
    AmtCash contains the cash amount to deposit
    TotalPurchaseCount contains the total number of cheques to deposit.
    L Completion
    M Auto-Completion
    The following properties must be set prior to this call:
    - rrn (as returned in original request)
    - auth code (as returned in original request)
    - AmtPurchase.
    - TxnRef
    - PanSource
    - Track2 (as returned in original request)
    - AccountType(as returned in original request)
    V Voucher Entry
    The following properties must be set prior to this call:
    AccountType ('0' = Savings, '1' = Cheque, '2' = Credit, '3' = Account 1, '4' = Account 2, '5' = Account 3, '6' = Account 4, '7' = Account 5)
    - Date (DDMMYY)
    - Time (HHMMSS)
    - rrn (as returned in original request)
    - auth code (as returned in original request)
    - AmtPurchase.
    - TxnRef
    - PanSource = 'K'
    - Pan (contents of the card number)
    - DateExpiry (MMYY)
    - CsdReservedString3 (Card Sequence Number. Normally 2 digits)
    - DataField (The original transaction type. 'P', 'C', 'R', 'D' )
    T Tip-Adjustment
    The following properties must be set prior to this call:
    - rrn (as returned in original request)
    - auth code (as returned in original request)
    - AmtPurchase.
    - TxnRef
    - PanSource
    - Track2 (as returned in original request)
    - DateExpiry (if manually keyed)
    - Pan (if manually keyed)
    - AccountType (as returned in original request)
    W Withdrawal
    The withdrawal amount is to be set in the AmtPurchase property.
    F Funds Transfer
    The amount to transfer is to be placed in the AmtPurchase property
    O Order Request
    An order request will ask the bank to send something to the customer (eg statement, cheque book, etc)
    H Mini Transaction History
    Retrieve recent transaction details based upon the customer's card details
    X Get and Authorise a PIN
    Ask the customer for their PIN, and authorise it with the bank
    K Enhanced PIN command
    This will perform an enhanced PIN command as defined by the bank pinpad
    The following properties can be set prior to this call:
    - AmtPurchase.
    - TxnRef
    - PanSource
    - Track2 (as returned in original request)
    - DateExpiry (if manually keyed)
    - Pan (if manually keyed)
    - AccountType (as returned in original request)
    - DataField
    I Void

    Settlement Types

    Returned by transaction and SettlementEvent.
    Applies to transaction and settlement.
    Note: Not all TxnTypes are supported by all acquirers.

    Appendix ZZZ - XML Message Format

    The XML message format is based upon the standard Linkly ActiveX interface.
    It does not comply with the TCP/IP interface specification at all.
    There is currently no test client available using the XML interface. Do not use the XML interface without discussions with Linkly

    Message Structure:

    Byte Position Tag Name Length Description
    1 Start Flag 1 '&'
    2 Length 6 Length of the message including start and length fields
    8 XML Tags * XML document in the format:
    < Tag1 >Value</ Tag1 >
    < Tag2 >Value </ Tag2 >
    < Tagn >Value</ Tagn >





    Document Version

    Version Date Revisions
    1.0.3 18 August 2022 - Updating POS Support email to [email protected]
    1.0.2 23 June 2022 - Removing Deprecated TxnType 'G' (MOTO); Use PanSource to perform MOTO transactions
    1.0.1 31 May 2022 - Updating jquery version
    - moving Document Version section to end of document
    1.0.0 16 May 2022 - Removed pre-authorisation and bar tab